Writing test cases for Domain class Using Spock

16 / Jun / 2015 by Sanchit 0 comments

The agenda of this blog is to demonstrate how to write basic validation test cases for domain class in grails application.

Create a domain class User with some basic constraints.

package com.ttn.testing

class User {
String emailId
String name

static constraints = {
emailId nullable: false, blank: false
name nullable: true, blank: false, minSize: 3, maxSize: 20

Add dependencies for spock in BuildConfig.groovy
dependencies {
test "org.spockframework:spock-grails-support:0.7-groovy-2.0"

plugins {
test(":spock:0.7") {
exclude "spock-grails-support"

documentation of spock plugin : https://grails.org/plugin/spock

1. Test case for required fields validation.

@Unroll("test for required field validation")
def "test for required field validation"() {

when: "Create user instance"
User user = new User(emailId: emailId)

then: "emailId should not be null"
user.validate() == expectedResult

testDescription | emailId | expectedResult
"valid test" | ‘sanchit@sanchit.com’| true
"null test" | null | false

2. Test case for min length validation

@Unroll("min length validation")
def "min length validation"() {

when: "Create user instance"
User user = new User(emailId: "sanchit@sanchit.com", name: name)

then: "name minimun of 3 char"
user.validate() == expectation

testDescription | name | expectation
"valid test" | "sanchit" | true
"min length test" | "sa" | false

Grails automatically create a UserSpec.groovy in test/unit folder for writing the test cases.

Command to run test cases : grails test-app unit: User

Above command execute the test case, generate the report and return the path of report file.
Tests PASSED – view reports in

Copy the path and open it in browser to see the test report.

In this way we can validate the domain class constraints using spock.


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