Frontend Javascript Engineering
We understand fullstack Javascript technologies. Using our knowledge of core JS programming, frameworks and libraries, we build well-structured application architectures for your products. Our JS centre of excellence remains updated with all the latest updates about React.js, AngularJS, Angular 2.0, Polymer.js and many more
  • React JS

    React.js development is widely adopted. Using React.js development, we split entire website or application into smaller reusable components allowing you to MVP fast

  • Angular JS

    We are experts in Angular development. AngularJS' two-way data binding and other features make it a very powerful JavaScript Framework. It is mostly used in Single Page Application (SPA) projects

  • Angular 5.0

    Angular 5.0 is a major part of Angular development and consulting. It is essentially a re-imagining of AngularJS development for the modern web considering high performance, ease of use and new features

  • Polymer JS

    We develop cutting-edge progressive web apps using Polymer. With Polymer.js it is easy to make the most of Web Components, a powerful new platform feature for extending HTML and componentizing your apps

  • React Native

    React Native enables you to build world-class application experiences on native platforms. The standard components make the look and feel of the application consistent

  • ionic

    Ionic offers a library of mobile-optimized HTML, CSS and JS components, and tools for building highly interactive native and progressive web apps

Count on us for fullstack MEAN development
We just don’t cease at offering AngularJS development services and creating compelling frontend interfaces. We as a company also develop the robust backend using Javascript technologies such as MEAN stack. MEAN is lightweight, efficient and offers strong design patterns helping to build swift and scalable applications. Using MEAN stack, we have developed rich enterprise applications, social networking portals, fast and scalable APIs, gaming portals, e-commerce websites, and much more

Do you also have these queries?

  • What are the different kinds of JavaScript libraries that you have used in frontend development projects?

    We have an extensive experience over a gamut of JavaScript libraries that we have successfully implemented in our various past engagements. Some of them are AngularJS, ReactJS, BabelJS, React Native, Backbone.js, Ember.js, Ionic, D3.js, Ext JS, Knockout.js, CanJS, Kendo UI, Underscore.js, Polymer.js, and Vue.js. We understand the intricacies of creating riveting web experiences and leverage these technologies well in facilitating the same.

  • What best practices do you follow while developing frontend interface of products?

    Over many years, as an AngularJS development company, we have documented best practices for JS, CSS, and HTML that help us execute our client projects meticulously. We follow best practices such as document structure, markup guidelines, naming conventions, using CSS shorthand properties, semantic markup, and other coding best practices. We also ensure that our JS is properly minified and doesn't hamper your load speed time.

  • What are the advantages of choosing AngularJS as a preferred frontend development framework?

    We have long years of Angularjs consulting. Some of the key benefits we highlight while offering Angularjs consulting are two-way data-binding, separation of directives and codes, easy integration with MVC architecture, data filtration flexibility, less code and ease of testing. If you would like to evaluate whether AngularJS framework is the best pick for your application and need an in-depth Angularjs consulting, speak to our Angularjs consulting experts who can help you with AngularJS development for various versions including Angular 1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0 and 5.0. 

  • Do you provide with a choice of selecting front-end technologies and back-end databases?

    Yes, completely. We mix-and-match technologies depending on the requirements and context of the application state of your company. As an example, we can choose AngularJS or ReactJS for front-end and ExpressJS or HapiJS for middle-layer. We can choose between a multitude of options for databases. Our consulting team can assist you in exploring feasible options available for your frontend and backend, based on your requirements.

  • How do you check the quality of the frontend you develop?

    Frontend interfaces make or break user experience and we understand it to the core. We have an excellent QA lab that ensures testing each and every product before it is delivered. We use various techniques to test the product front end including user acceptance testing and interviews at the company. Our testing team uses various manual and automation testing techniques to amaze users with their front end experience.

  • What are your pricing and engagement models?

    We have expertise working in both distributed as well as fully outsourced development models, using Agile practices and approaches in an iterative and incremental manner. We prefer to work on time and materials but also work on a fixed price model if the requirements and scoping are clearly laid out. In most of the cases, we deploy a dedicated team that works only on a single project at a time.

  • How extensible is AngularJS development?

    AngularJS is fully extensible and works well with other libraries as well. Our Angular.js development and consulting services can help modify or change every feature depending on your business requirements, dev workflows and feature needs. Our AngularJS development and consulting services comprise a great team expert is all the versions of Angular including AngularJS development 1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0 and 5.0

  • What value adds does your frontend development services offer?

    There are various value-adds that our frontend development services offer. Right from user experience design to custom development, all our frontend capabilities ensure best in class quality. Our team is highly experienced in offering Angular development and AnguarJS consulting services and well-versed with the entire Javascript ecosystem. Talking about Angulasjs development in specific, we are well aware of all the Angulas.js features. Our knowledge of JS libraries helps us to stand apart. Not only this, but we are also experts in backend development and MEAN stack.