Unlocking Financial Insights Using Generative AI

24 / Sep / 2024 by Ankit Verma 0 comments


The financial industry generates vast amounts of complex data, from annual reports to contractual obligations, which often need to be analyzed for strategic decision-making. Manually processing and extracting insights from these documents is time-consuming and prone to error. Agentic GraphRAG, is a cutting-edge technology that leverages graph-based retrieval and generative models to revolutionize how financial data is analyzed.

In this blog, we’ll explore how Agentic GraphRAG can automate the extraction of key financial information, focusing on a real-world example involving the analysis of a financial report.

Read More: Artificial Intelligence and Gen AI

What is Agentic GraphRAG?

Agentic GraphRAG is a hybrid system combining the capabilities of graph-based retrieval and Generative AI models. In simple terms, it organizes vast amounts of financial data into interconnected nodes (graphs), which can be quickly navigated and retrieved by generative models to answer complex queries.

The “RAG” stands for Retrieval-Augmented Generation, a technique that enhances traditional generative models by retrieving highly relevant data before generating responses. In finance, this is particularly useful for summarizing lengthy reports or extracting specific details like debt schedules, commitments, and cash flow projections.

How Does It Work in Financial Data Extraction?

In a financial context, Agentic GraphRAG can automate the analysis of key sections of annual reports. For instance, when analyzing contractual obligations, the system can efficiently parse through documents and extract a structured summary, such as long-term debts, leases, or purchase commitments. Let’s take a real-world example from a financial report that outlines a company’s share repurchase program over multiple fiscal years. The report provides data on how much stock was repurchased in various quarters from 2020 to 2022. Here is an excerpt from the report:

Financial Data

Repurchase Data

From this, we can see that the company repurchased the following shares under different programs across the fiscal years:

2022: 95 million shares, totaling $28,033 million.
2021: 101 million shares, totaling $22,970 million.
2020: 126 million shares, totaling $19,688 million.
Manually extracting and analyzing such data from large reports can be a daunting task, but with Agentic GraphRAG, this process can be automated efficiently.

Implementation Strategy

  • Data Ingestion and Preprocessing:

    • The first step is to load financial reports, which could be PDFs, spreadsheets, or structured data formats. These documents are then preprocessed by converting text into structured formats (e.g., JSON, tabular data).
    • Tables and key sections (like “Share Repurchases” or “Contractual Obligations”) are identified and tagged as nodes in a graph database.
    • Preferred Tech Stack: Langchain Document Loaders
    • Vector DB like Croma, Pinecone, and Qdrant can be used to store embeddings.
Document Loading

Document Loading

  • Retrievers:

    • Construct single or multi retrievers based on requirement and accuracy.
Multi Retrievers

Multi Retrievers

  • Graph Construction:

    • Define the function to get them converted to Graph nodes
Graph Nodes

Graph Nodes

    • Define the graph state
Graph State

Graph State

    • Construct Nodes, workflow, and visualize Graph
Graph Visualization

Graph Visualization

  • Graph-Based Retrieval:

    • Use the graph structure to find relevant sections of the financial report based on the query. For example, if the query asks for “Difference in share and amount for 2020 and 2021 for common stock under the share repurchase programs”
Query Outcome

Query Outcome


Agentic GraphRAG represents a significant leap forward in financial data processing. By combining the strengths of graph databases and generative AI, it empowers financial professionals with the tools they need to make informed decisions quickly and accurately. Whether it’s analyzing long-term debt, lease obligations, or other financial commitments, this technology offers a fast, reliable, and intelligent solution to handle the complexities of modern finance.

As financial documents become increasingly complex, the need for tools like Agentic GraphRAG will only grow, driving the next wave of innovation in financial technology.

Get a free consultation on how we can help with your business data requirements. Click here to schedule a meeting with us.


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