07 / Oct / 2024 by Ashita Kumar 0 comments


An RSS (Really Simple Syndication) feed is an online file that contains details about each piece of content a site has published. RSS feeds are a common way to distribute updates from websites and blogs. These feeds are often provided in XML format, and Python offers several tools to parse and extract information from them. This blog post will explore how to parse XML RSS feeds using Pyspark.

RSS Feed Test Sample

RSS Feed Test Sample


Before we begin, ensure you have Python installed on your system (Link to install Python- ).

Understanding RSS Feeds and XML Parsing

RSS feeds contain articles, news items, or other updates in a structured XML format. To work with these feeds, we can use the xml.etree.ElementTree or feedparser library in Python, provides an efficient way to parse XML data. Keep in mind that RSS feeds may contain additional elements beyond title, link, and description. If we use xml.etree.ElementTree we will have to adapt the parsing code to extract other elements of interest. We will be understanding the usage and implementation of the feedparser module in this blog.

Feature xml.etree.ElementTree Feedparser
Primary Use General XML parsing and manipulation Parsing RSS and Atom feeds
Library Type Built-in Python standard library Third-party library (requires installation)
Installation No installation required Requires installation (pip install feedparser)
Focus General XML data structures Syndication formats (RSS, Atom)
Parsing Capability Parses XML documents into ElementTree objects Parses RSS and Atom feeds into structured data
XPath Support Basic XPath support for querying XML None; focused on feed data extraction
Element Handling Handles elements, attributes, and text with tree structure Focuses on extracting feed metadata and entries
Feed Format Handling Not specialized for RSS/Atom feeds Specialized for handling various feed formats
Data Access Manual traversal and querying of XML elements Structured API for accessing feed information
Modification Capability Allows creation and modification of XML structures Read-only; does not modify feeds
Error Handling Basic error handling for XML parsing Includes error handling for feed parsing issues
Output Structure Provides ElementTree objects with tag and text Provides a structured dictionary-like object for feeds
Common Use Cases General XML tasks, such as configuration files or data interchange Aggregating and processing feed data from news sources
Performance Efficient for standard XML tasks Optimized for feed parsing but may be less flexible for non-feed XML
what they can parse <library>
<title>The Great Gatsby</title>
<author>F. Scott Fitzgerald</author>
<title>To Kill a Mockingbird</title>
<author>Harper Lee</author>
<?xml version=”1.0″ encoding=”UTF-8″ ?>
<rss version=”2.0″>
<title>Sample RSS Feed</title>
<description>This is a sample RSS feed</description>
<title>First Post</title>
<description>This is the description </description>
<pubDate>Mon, 01 Oct 2023 12:00:00 GMT</pubDate>

Steps to Parse XML RSS Feeds

Let’s dive into the steps to parse an XML RSS feed using Python

Import the Required Libraries: Start by importing all the necessary libraries.

Note: Universal Feed Parser is a Python module that downloads and parses syndicated feeds. It can handle RSS 0.90, Netscape RSS 0.91, Userland RSS 0.91, etc, Atom 1.0 and more, CDF, and JSON feeds. It can also parse popular extension modules, like Dublin Core & Apple’s iTunes extensions. To use Universal Feed Parser, you can use Python 3.8 or later versions. Universal Feed Parser is not meant to run standalone; it is a module for you to use as part of a larger Python program. Universal Feed Parser is very easy to use; it has one primary public function, “parse”. The parse function can take several arguments, but only one of them is required, and it can be a URL, a local filename, or a raw string containing feed data in any format.

Let’s take  a deep dive into parsing RSS Feed using Pyspark

1. Initialize Spark Session, Fetch, and Load RSS Feed: Create a Spark Session and upload files from remote or URL.

from pyspark.sql import SparkSession
import feedparser 
import glob 
import os 

import sys os.environ['PYSPARK_PYTHON'] = sys.executable 

# Initialize SparkSession 
spark = SparkSession.builder \ 
.appName("RSS Feed Processor") \ 

file_names = glob.glob('c:/Users/Ashita Kumar/Downloads/*.xml')

2. Declare Schema for the Data frame.

# Define schema for DataFrame
schema = StructType([
 StructField("file_name", StringType(), True),
 StructField("feed_title", StringType(), True),
 StructField("feed_link", StringType(), True),
 StructField("feed_description", StringType(), True),
 StructField("ID", StringType(), True),
 StructField("title", StringType(), True),
 StructField("description", StringType(), True),
 StructField("link", StringType(), True),
 StructField("image_link", StringType(), True),
 StructField("condition", StringType(), True),
 StructField("availability", StringType(), True),
 StructField("price", StringType(), True),
 StructField("name", StringType(), True),
 StructField("points_value", StringType(), True),
 StructField("ratio", StringType(), True),
 StructField("item_group_id", StringType(), True),
 StructField("brand", StringType(), True),
 StructField("product_type", StringType(), True),
 StructField("color", StringType(), True),
 StructField("size_of_product", StringType(), True),
 StructField("gender", StringType(), True),
 StructField("sale_price", StringType(), True),
 StructField("custom_label_0", StringType(), True),
 StructField("custom_label_1", StringType(), True),
 StructField("fb_product_category", StringType(), True),
 StructField("age_group", StringType(), True),

3. Iterate through all files and parse the file using Feedparser. Use the requests library to fetch the RSS feed from a URL and load it into a feed object. We can load the RSS feed from a URL or even a storage location.

# Create an empty list to store rows
rows = []
# Iterate through all files
for file in file_names:
   print("Processing file:", file)
# Parse the XML file using feedparser
   feed = feedparser.parse(file)
# Extract feed details
   feed_title = feed['feed'].get('title', '')
   feed_link = feed['feed'].get('link', '')
   feed_description = feed['feed'].get('description', '')
# Title of the file
   print("title of the feed ", feed['feed']['title'])
# Link of the Feed
   print("link of the feed ", feed['feed']['link'])
# Description of the feed
   print("description of the feed", feed['feed']['description'])
Output of print statements

Output of print statements for feed details





4. Parse RSS Items: Iterate through the RSS items to extract relevant information.

# Iterate through feed entries
 for entry in feed.entries:
   row = {"file_name": "big_bazar_file",  # Use the actual file name
         "feed_title": feed_title,
         "feed_link": feed_link,
         "feed_description": feed_description,
         "ID": getattr(entry, 'g_id', ''),
         "title": getattr(entry, 'g_title', ''),
         "description": getattr(entry, 'g_description', ''),
         "link": getattr(entry, 'g_link', ''),
         "image_link": getattr(entry, 'g_image_link', ''),
         "condition": getattr(entry, 'g_condition', ''),
         "availability": getattr(entry, 'g_availability', ''),
         "price": getattr(entry, 'g_price', ''),
         "name": getattr(entry, 'g_name', ''),
         "points_value": getattr(entry, 'g_points_value', ''),
         "ratio": getattr(entry, 'g_ratio', ''),
         "item_group_id": getattr(entry, 'g_item_group_id', ''),
         "brand": getattr(entry, 'g_brand', ''),
         "product_type": getattr(entry, 'g_product_type', ''),
         "color": getattr(entry, 'g_color', ''),
         "size_of_product": getattr(entry, 'g_size', ''),
         "gender": getattr(entry, 'g_gender', ''),
         "sale_price": getattr(entry, 'g_sale_price', ''),
         "custom_label_0": getattr(entry, 'g_custom_label_0', ''),
         "custom_label_1": getattr(entry, 'g_custom_label_1', ''),
         "fb_product_category": getattr(entry, 'g_fb_product_category', ''),
         "age_group": getattr(entry, 'g_age_group', '')}

5. Parse and store RSS feed item values in data frames using spark. We can create a dataframe and use for analytics or store it in parquet as required.

# Create Spark DataFrame
df = spark.createDataFrame(rows, schema=schema)
# Show the DataFrame with specific columns
# Stop the Spark session
spark.stop() Output Output






Steps to Parse XML using Python

We can also parse RSS feeds using just Python. We’ll be able to achieve this using FeedParser and Pandas Libraries.

Pros and Cons of using RSS Feed

1. Aggregated Content 1. Decreased Popularity
Aggregates content from multiple sources into one feed. RSS feeds are less popular now compared to social media and other news aggregators.
2. Customizable 2. Requires an RSS Reader
Users can choose and customize their subscriptions based on interests. Accessing RSS feeds requires an RSS reader or aggregator app.
3. Real-Time Updates 3. Inconsistent Quality
Provides immediate updates when new content is published. Some feeds may be outdated or have inconsistent formatting.
4. Ad-Free Experience 4. Limited Multimedia Support
Delivers content without advertisements for a cleaner experience. May not handle multimedia content like videos or interactive elements well.
5. Privacy 5. Fragmented Content
Subscribing to feeds does not require personal information, enhancing privacy. Feeds are spread across various platforms, which can be disjointed.
6. Offline Access 6. Mobile Experience May Vary
Content can be accessed offline through many RSS readers. Some RSS readers might not provide a good mobile or tablet experience.
7. Easy Sharing 7. Potential Information Overload
Feeds can be easily shared with others. Users may experience information overload if they subscribe to too many feeds.
8. No Algorithmic Filtering 8. Static Content Delivery
Content is delivered in chronological order without algorithmic manipulation. RSS feeds typically deliver static content without interactive features.


Parsing XML RSS feeds using Python is a valuable skill for working with dynamic content from websites and staying up-to-date with the latest information. You can efficiently parse and extract data from RSS feeds by utilizing the feedparser library and the steps outlined in this blog post. Remember to adjust the parsing code based on the structure of the RSS feed you are working with.


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