Restricting all URLs to end with .html in a Grails Application
While going through the grails-users mailing list, I found a question about restricting all URLs to end with ‘.html’ & returning Error 404 for the default mappings. After spending some time, I was able to build a sample CRUD application restricting URLs to end with .html.
I did the following steps for the same:
1. Create a new grails application with name ‘Urlmapping’: grails create-app Urlmapping
2. Create domain class Urltest: grails create-domain-class Urltest
3. Add a String variable ‘test’ in domain class Urltest:
class Urltest {
String test
static constraints = {
4. Generate controllers & views for Urltest: grails generate-all Urltest
5. Changed the UrlMappings in UrlMappings.groovy:
class UrlMappings {
static mappings = {
constraints {
suffix(matches: 'html')
constraints {
suffix(matches: 'html')
"/"(view: "/index")
"500"(view: '/error')
6. Removed the Entry “html: ['text/html','application/xhtml+xml'],
” from map grails.mime.type
in Config.groovy
7. Created initial data in BootStrap.groovy:
class BootStrap {
def init = {
servletContext - & gt;
Urltest urltest
(1..5).each {
urltest = new Urltest(test: 'Test-' + it)
def destroy = {
Run the application: grails run-app
Now, I had to use following urls for CRUD functionality:
# http://localhost:8080/mailing/urltest/index.html
# http://localhost:8080/mailing/urltest/list.html
# http://localhost:8080/mailing/urltest/create.html
# http://localhost:8080/mailing/urltest/show/1.html
# http://localhost:8080/mailing/urltest/edit/1.html
(Scaffolding generated links http://localhost:8080/mailing/urltest/index
, http://localhost:8080/mailing/urltest/edit/1
& http://localhost:8080/mailing/urltest/show/1
etc. won’t work since default associated UrlMapping "/$controller/$action/$id?"
has been removed from UrlMappings.groovy)
To convert the links into desired format, you needs to pass suffix=’html’ as params to g:link & g:form tags on all views & redirects in Controller.
I have attached the source code for reference.
This was my first attempt for editing default Url mappings. I am sure I will be able to find better & less tedious ways of doing the same over a period of time.
Also, I would like to mention that I found broken links generated by g:paginate tag.
A JIRA issue exists for the same.
~Aman Aggarwal
Hi Aman,
Great post, very informative. One thing I found to make this less tedious is to have the urlmappings defined as
That way you don’t need to pass any suffix in the g:link and g:form tags.