Mastering CSV Parsing in Salesforce: A Step-by-Step Guide for Seamless Data Integration

10 / Sep / 2024 by Navy Jain 0 comments


In today’s data-driven environment, businesses frequently encounter large volumes of data stored in CSV files. Integrating this data into Salesforce can be challenging without the right tools and methods. This blog post demonstrates how to parse CSV files using Apex in Salesforce, providing a robust solution for streamlined data handling and improved operational efficiency.

Why Parsing CSV Files in Salesforce is Important

1. Data Integration: CSV files are a widely-used format for data exchange across various platforms. Parsing these files in Salesforce enables seamless data integration, enhancing data consistency and accuracy across your organisation.
2. Automation: Automating the CSV parsing process significantly reduces manual data entry, reduce the risk of errors, and accelerates data processing, allowing your team to focus on more strategic tasks.
3. Flexibility: The approach outlined in this blog offers dynamic handling of different sObject types, making it adaptable to various business requirements.

Understanding CSV Parsing in Salesforce

The Need
CSV files are common in business operations, whether importing customer data, sales records, or product inventories. While Salesforce offers import wizards, they often fall short in handling complex CSV structures, such as those with embedded commas or quotes. This limitation necessitates a more flexible and robust solution for parsing CSV files.

Manual data entry from CSV files is prone to errors, and Salesforce’s built-in tools may not handle complex data structures well. By leveraging custom Apex code, you can overcome these challenges, ensuring accurate and efficient data integration.

Step-by-Step Guide to Parsing CSV in Salesforce

CSV Parsing Method (parseCSV)

Purpose: This method parses a CSV string into a list of lists, where each inner list represents a row of the CSV. This parsed data can be further processed or directly converted into Salesforce sObjects.

public List<List<String>> parseCSV(String contents, Boolean skipHeaders) {

  // Initializes a list to hold the parsed CSV data.

List<List<String>> allFields = new List<List<String>>();

// Replaces triple quotes inside CSV fields with a placeholder ("DBLQT") to simplify parsing.

contents = contents.replaceAll(',"""', ',"DBLQT').replaceAll('""",', 'DBLQT",');

   // Replaces any remaining double quotes with the "DBLQT" placeholder.

contents = contents.replaceAll('""', 'DBLQT');

  // Initializes a list to hold the CSV rows.

List<String> lines = new List<String>();

 // Splits the CSV contents by newlines to separate the rows and handles any exceptions.

try {

lines = contents.split('\n');

} catch (System.ListException e) {

System.debug('Limits exceeded? ' + e.getMessage());


 // Iterates through each row of the CSV.

for (String line : lines) {

 // Checks for blank lines and skips them.

if (line.replaceAll(',', '').trim().length() == 0) break;

// Splits each row by commas into individual fields.

List<String> fields = line.split(',');

// Initializes variables to handle composite fields (fields that contain commas inside quotes).

 // Handles fields with quotes and commas, constructing composite fields when necessary and replacing the placeholders with          double quotes.

List<String> cleanFields = new List<String>();

String compositeField;

Boolean makeCompositeField = false;

// Iterates through each field in the row.

for (String field : fields) {

if (field.startsWith('"') && field.endsWith('"')) {

cleanFields.add(field.replaceAll('DBLQT', '"'));

} else if (field.startsWith('"')) {

makeCompositeField = true;

compositeField = field;

} else if (field.endsWith('"')) {

compositeField += ',' + field;

cleanFields.add(compositeField.replaceAll('DBLQT', '"'));

makeCompositeField = false;

} else if (makeCompositeField) {

compositeField += ',' + field;

} else {

cleanFields.add(field.replaceAll('DBLQT', '"'));



// Adds the cleaned row to the final list.



// Removes the first row if headers should be skipped.

if (skipHeaders) allFields.remove(0);

// Returns the parsed CSV data as a list of lists.

return allFields;



  • Initialisation: The method begins by initialising a list to store the parsed CSV data. The contents string, which represents the entire CSV content, is pre-processed to handle fields with embedded quotes by replacing triple quotes with a placeholder (DBLQT).
  • Splitting Rows: The CSV content is split into individual rows based on newline characters. Any exceptions during this process are caught to handle potential issues, such as hitting Salesforce’s limits.
  • Handling Composite Fields: The method iterates through each row, splitting it into fields by commas. It then checks each field to determine if it’s part of a composite field (a field containing commas inside quotes) and reconstructs such fields as needed.
  • Returning Data: Finally, the method compiles the cleaned and parsed data into a list of lists, which represents the structured format of the CSV content. If headers are to be skipped, they are removed before returning the final list.

CSV to sObject Conversion Method (csvTosObject)

Purpose: This method converts the parsed CSV data into a list of Salesforce sObjects, allowing for easy insertion into the Salesforce database.

public List<sObject> csvTosObject(List<List<String>> parsedCSV, String objectType) {

// Dynamically retrieves the sObject type based on the input string.

Schema.sObjectType objectDef = Schema.getGlobalDescribe().get(objectType).getDescribe().getSObjectType();

 // Initializes lists to hold the sObjects and the headers from the CSV.

List<sObject> objects = new List<sObject>();

List<String> headers = new List<String>();

 // Extracts the headers from the first row of the parsed CSV.

for (List<String> row : parsedCSV) {

for (String col : row) {





     // Processes each row after the header, creating and populating a new sObject for each row.

Integer rowNumber = 0;

for (List<String> row : parsedCSV) {

if (rowNumber == 0) {



} else {

sObject thisObj = objectDef.newSObject();

Integer colIndex = 0;

for (String col : row) {

String headerName = headers[colIndex].trim();

if (headerName.length() > 0) {

try {

if (col.contains('/')) {

Date tempDate;

String[] tempStr = col.split('/');

Integer d = Integer.valueOf(tempStr[0]);

Integer m = Integer.valueOf(tempStr[1]);

Integer y = Integer.valueOf(tempStr[2]);

tempDate = Date.newInstance(y, m, d);

thisObj.put(headerName, tempDate);

} else {

thisObj.put(headerName, col.trim());


} catch (Exception e) {

System.debug('============== Invalid field specified in header ' + headerName);









// Returns the list of populated sObjects.

return objects;



  • sObject Type Retrieval: The method dynamically retrieves the Salesforce sObject type based on the input string (e.g., “Account”, “Contact”). This allows the method to handle different Salesforce objects dynamically.
  • Header Extraction: The first row of the parsed CSV data is treated as the header row, which contains the field names. These headers are extracted and stored in a list for mapping the CSV data to sObject fields.
  • Row Processing: Each subsequent row in the parsed CSV data is processed to create a new sObject. The method populates the sObject fields based on the CSV data, handling different data types, including dates, with appropriate conversions.
  • Error Handling: The method includes error handling to manage unexpected data formats, such as invalid field names or incorrect data types, ensuring the process continues smoothly.
  • Returning sObjects: The method returns a list of fully populated sObjects, ready for insertion into the Salesforce database, providing a seamless data import solution.

Practical Applications and Benefits

  • Efficiency: Automating CSV parsing reduces manual data entry, making the data integration process quicker and less error-prone.
  • Scalability: This approach is scalable and capable of handling large datasets and different sObject types, making it suitable for organisations of all sizes.
  • Customisability: The method can be easily adapted to handle various data structures and formats, offering flexibility to meet diverse business needs.


Parsing CSV files in Salesforce using Apex offers a powerful way to streamline data integration, ensuring data accuracy and operational efficiency. By automating this process, businesses can save time, reduce errors, and make their Salesforce operations more effective. Whether you’re dealing with small datasets or large, complex files, this approach provides a reliable solution to integrate external data into your Salesforce environment seamlessly.


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