[Infographics] The Science Behind Cross Device Conversion Tracking
Cross-device buying is a phenomenon in which the consumers are choosing different devices in different phases of their purchase. The consumers start with a specific device for their research and further traverse on to a different device to make the decision to buy and some more devices to make the final purchase. Cross-device purchase as a phenomenon has come up with the advent of a new segment of consumers called – the Connected Consumers.
Connected consumers by definition are – Consumers who are perpetually connected to each other, to internet and to brands through the adoption of one or more internet-connected devices. A significant behavior of these connected consumers is traversing through multiple devices in their path to purchase a product specifically called the omni-channel buyer’s journey. There are some unanswered questions on this omni-channel buyer’s journey –
- How does this omni-channel buyer’s journey look like?
- What is the role of analytics in a cross-device purchase path?
- How to track the consumer in a multi-device purchase path and then create a marketing strategy?
- What solutions are available in the market?
- Which solution is more relevant to my business?
This infographic provides a brief answer to all these questions, for a detailed read on these topics you may download the whitepaper –
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