[INFOGRAPHICS] Building Mobile Apps With mBaaS
In any web or mobile application, there are certain functions that are widely used such as push notifications, social sharing, etc. Each of these functions has its own API and needs to be integrated with an application individually from the back-end. This is a time consuming complex process.
This is where mBaaS (Mobile Back-end as a Service) or BaaS (Back-end as a Service) makes developers’ life easy, by offering a bridge between the front-end and back-end with a single API.
Back-end integration is one of the complex tasks performed by app developers while building a mobile application. Integrating the application with the client libraries and its security are among the greatest challenges, which is resolved by mBaaS effectively. Moreover, mBaaS:
- Reduces the complexity of the mobile app
- Helps focus more on the front-end
- Eliminates the worry of building a back-end architecture
As businesses are focusing on digital transformation and mobile being its crown-jewel, mBaaS is easily the best possible solution to build enterprise mobile solutions across multiple devices to offer customers a better omni-channel experience.
To Know more about mBaaS and its architecture, refer the infographics below
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