Groovy collectEntries to get a Map from a Collection
Dealing with collections is a part of a Developer’s daily life. However, sometimes it becomes quite cumbersome when we have to iterate through each collection every time we want a manipulated Collection.
Ever thought of a groovier way to manipulate a collection and get a Map in a single line?
Well, multiple iterations to convert a List to a Map can be saved with collectEntries.
Groovy collectEntries iterates over a collection and return a Map based on the manipulations.
Let us consider a simple class:
class Person {
Integer salary
String emailId
Person person1=new Person(salary:25000,emailId:"")
Person person2=new Person(salary:23000,emailId:"")
Person person3=new Person(salary:26000,emailId:"")
Person person4=new Person(salary:20000,emailId:"")
Person person5=new Person(salary:22000,emailId:"")
List<Person> persons=[person1,person2,person3,person4,person5]
Given a list of Person Objects,to extract a map containing key as Person’s emailId & value as salary, we can use
Map<String,Integer> result = persons.collectEntries{
Map<String,Integer> result = persons.collectEntries{
Output of result -> [,,,,]
CollectEntries works on any type of Collection-> be it a Map, a list of Objects, Array etc.
Hope it helps 🙂