Get tweets posted by user using Twitter4j
In the previous blog we saw how to fetch tweets in which a particular user is mentioned, using the Twitter4j java wrapper library available for Twitter API calls.
In the same project, i had the requirement to display the tweets posted by particular user including retweets. I searched for it and found a cool way to achieve this using Twitter4j library.
For making any twitter API calls we need to have twitter account access_token and access_secret, which we obtains after authorizing/connecting twitter account with the application as mentioned in this blog.
Code to fetch Tweets by user :-
TwitterFactory factory = new TwitterFactory()
Twitter twitter = factory.getInstance()
twitter.setOAuthConsumer(consumerKey, consumerSecret)
AccessToken accessToken = new AccessToken(twitterToken, twitterSecret)
int totalTweets = page * 20
Paging paging = new Paging(1, totalTweets)
List tweets = twitter.getUserTimeline(paging)
tweets.each {tweet ->
println "ID : ${}"
println "User : ${tweet.user.screenName}"
println "Tweet : ${tweet.text}"
This code will fetch the latest 20 tweets which user has posted using API calls.
Hope this helps.