CoreData Migration (Versioning of CoreData)
What is Migration ?
Migration is a way of telling Xcode how to transition the data from the old model to the new model .
Why migration required ?
When the model does not match the store, a migration is required. In order to perform a migration, Core Data (technically, an instance of NSMigrationManager) requires these things:
- The destination managed object model (the one with the changes)
- A managed object model that can open the existing store
- The ability to infer mapping between the two models (for a lightweight migration), or a manual mapping model
- Permission to attempt to perform an automatic migration (for a lightweight migration)
It is therefore absolutely essential that you never make changes to the managed object model for a released version of an app. That is, if your app is already in the App Store, don’t change a single thing in that version of the managed object model.
Solution for the Crash while update an application from the app store:
Create a new version of the managed object model! This reminds me to mention some other best practices to adopt when working with Core Data:
- Create a new model version for every release version of an app
- Keep a copy of every release version of an app (you’re already doing this, right?)
- Keep a copy of every release version backing SQLite store containing suitable test data
Migrations can handle the following changes:
- Adding or removing an entity, attribute, or relationship
- Making an attribute non-optional with a default value
- Making a non-optional attribute optional
- Renaming an entity or attribute using a renaming identifier
Getting Started:
- Create a new version of the managed object model – select .xcdatamodeld file in Xcode and then from the menu select Editor\Add Model Version
- Set version name and select model based on which you want to create new model.
- Switch to latest version of model – select .xcdatamodeld file from Project Navigator and go to FILe Inspector and select latest core data model
- Now you will see a little green circle with white checkmark badge on latest .xcdatamodel in the Project Navigator.
- Add permissions to attempt to perform an automatic migration
Open .m file containing core data related code and add the following code immediately after
persistentStoreCoordinator = [[NSPersistentStoreCoordinator alloc] initWithManagedObjectModel:[self managedObjectModel]];
[code language=”objc”]
NSDictionary *options = @{
NSMigratePersistentStoresAutomaticallyOption : @YES,
NSInferMappingModelAutomaticallyOption : @YES
Change the next line to pass the options dictionary you just created to
[code language=”objc”]
if (![_persistentStoreCoordinator addPersistentStoreWithType:NSSQLiteStoreType
URL:storeURL options:options error:&error]) {
- Now make changes to an core data entity, attribute, or relationship whatever you want
- Delete CoreData NSManagedObect Subclass for entities in which you have made changes and create new file (New File/ CoreData/ NSManagedObect)
- Select latest Data Model and click Next
- Select entities in which you have made changes and click next
Run your app and check out its working fine. Congratulations! You just successfully performed a Core Data migration.
Nice blog, you saved my whole day.. thanx…