Best Practices For Writing Test Cases

26 / Sep / 2022 by Madhuri A 0 comments

What is a Test Case?  

Test cases are specific set of conditions that are performed on the software application to achieve a determined output and to verify the functionality of the feature.

Test cases guide the testers through the sequence of steps to validate whether the software application is free of bugs, and it is working as required by the end-users. Test cases are the base of the testing process for any software application or system. Test cases clarify the tester what needs to do for testing the software

Effective Points Of Writing Test Cases

  • Use a strong title that itself describes the characteristics of the module.
  • Use a short description i.e easy to understand and describe the goal of the test case.
  • Mention the steps to follow to achieve the specific objectives.
  • Include the preconditions that must be met prior to the test being executed.
  • Include the assumptions that are to be achieved by following the steps.
  • Include the expected results that describe what should be the results of the test steps.
  • Include the actual results that describe how the test is behaving by following the steps.
  • Include the test result “Pass/Fail” against the particular test case. If the testers are able to achieve the expected output then will mention Pass else if the testers fail to achieve the expected output ten will mention Fail.

Points to Be Included While Writing Test Cases

Important Points While Writing Test Cases

Some of the points to be considered while writing the test cases are:

  • The test case should be different flavored i.e. “Positive and Negative”.
  • The test case should be measurable so that at the end of the test run, we can say whether the test passed or not.
  • The test case should be unique for the scenario you are writing for.
  • The test cases should be specific to a specific function and the point.

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