Basic Understanding of Detox E2E Testing

22 / Sep / 2024 by Gaurav Pandey 0 comments

Are you worried about how to end-to-end test your React native mobile application?

Let’s deep dive into Detox E2E Mobile App Testing. In the rapidly evolving world of mobile applications, ensuring a seamless user experience is crucial. As apps grow more complex and user expectations rise, the need for robust end-to-end (E2E) testing becomes paramount. One powerful tool that has gained significant traction in this domain is Detox—an end-to-end testing framework for React Native apps. This blog explores the ins and outs of Detox E2E mobile app testing, explaining its significance, how it works, and why it’s becoming a go-to solution for developers.

What is Detox Testing?

Detox is an open-source testing framework specifically designed for React Native apps. Unlike traditional testing tools, Detox focuses on automating end-to-end testing, which involves testing the complete flow of an application—from the user interface to the backend systems—ensuring everything works together as expected. E2E testing with Detox involves simulating user interactions within the app and verifying that all components behave correctly. This includes testing UI elements, navigation, and the integration of various services and APIs.

Read More: Automation testing with Cypress, Mocha, and JavaScript

Why is Detox Testing Important? 

With mobile apps, the user experience is everything. A single bug can lead to poor reviews, loss of users, and ultimately, revenue. E2E testing helps mitigate these risks by:

  • Ensuring Comprehensive Coverage: Detox allows developers to test entire user flows, from login to checkout, ensuring that every part of the app works as intended.
  • Automating Repetitive Tasks: Manually testing every aspect of an app is time-consuming and error-prone. Detox automates this process, allowing for faster and more reliable testing.
  • Supporting Continuous Integration: In today’s agile development environments, continuous integration (CI) is key. Detox integrates seamlessly with CI/CD pipelines, enabling automated tests to run with every code change, ensuring that new updates do not break existing functionality.

How Does Detox work?

Detox operates by synchronizing with the app being tested. This means it waits for the app to idle before interacting with it, ensuring that the app is in a stable state before each test step. This synchronization is one of the key features that sets Detox apart from other testing frameworks, as it reduces the flakiness of tests—a common issue in mobile app testing.

Here’s a basic overview of how Detox works:

  1. Setup: The first step involves setting up Detox in your React Native project. This typically includes installing the Detox CLI and configuring your test environment. For detailed steps on how to set detox in your project visit Detox Setup
  2. Writing Tests: Once setup is complete, you can start writing tests using Detox’s API. These tests simulate user interactions, such as tapping buttons, entering text, and scrolling through lists. To learn how to write a test in a detox in detail visit Writing Test. The main components while writing detox tests are as follows- Matcher – These are the methods that are being used to match the elements in the UI. To study the list of matchers available in detox testing visit Matchers.
    element(by.text('text_inserted_in_the_element')); // case sensitive

    Action – These methods are responsible for performing any event on the matched element. To study all the available actions in detox testing do visit Actions.

    const emailInput = element('email_input_test_id'));
    await emailInput.typeText('');

    Expect – These methods are responsible for checking the correctness of the action, and whether the action manipulated the UI successfully in the way we want. To study all the available expected methods in detox testing do visit Expect.

    const emailInput = element('email_input_test_id'));
  3. Running Tests: After writing your tests, you can run them locally or as part of a CI pipeline. Detox runs these tests on real devices or emulators, ensuring that your app works across different environments. Below are the commands that will help you run your tests.
    For iOS - detox test --configuration ios.sim.debug
    For android - detox test --configuration android.emu.debug
  4. Analyzing Results: Detox provides detailed logs and reports on test outcomes, making it easier to identify and fix issues.

Let’s Make A Small Detox Testing Example ( Simple Login Flow )

Here we will make a simple Login Flow and try to write a detox test for it step by step.

  1. Install Detox and its dependencies

    Install Commands

    install detox and dependency

  2. Configure Detox – After installing go to .detoxrc.js and configure your detox

    Detox Config File

    Detox Config File (.detoxrc.js)

  3. Write Detox Test – Now we will write our first test using the matchers, actions and expect of detox. Create a file name login.test.js

    login test file

    Login Detox Test (login.test.js)

  4. Add Accessibility Identifiers – Add the “testId” to the specified elements.

    Login Component

    Login Component (Login.js)

  5. Build and Test the App – Now you are all set to build and test your first-ever detox test.
    Build and run test Command

    Build and run test Command



In the competitive landscape of mobile app development, ensuring your app delivers a flawless user experience is non-negotiable. Detox E2E testing provides a powerful, efficient way to achieve this by automating the testing of complex user flows and integrating seamlessly with modern development practices.

By adopting Detox and following best practices, developers can significantly reduce the risk of bugs, improve app quality, and deliver a superior user experience—keeping users satisfied and engaged. Whether you’re building a new app or maintaining an existing one, investing in Detox E2E testing is a step towards ensuring long-term success.

Ensure flawless performance with our QE and testing services. Schedule a free consultation with our experts today


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