A month @Intelligrape

31 / May / 2014 by Vinay Prajapati 0 comments

The moment I reached home.Thoughts started buzzing with the conjoining thought of sharing these thoughts with you all.

Day 1  @Intelligrape : With perplexed thoughts in my mind, I settled myself down to Sofa at reception . My intellect was in panic  as  thoughts were bamboozling me while I was pretending to be  relaxed.And soon after sometime I met Aditee. She warm welcomed me. And to astonish me, she had  Dheeraj Madaan with her who was joining same day. She asked us to go through Induction. So did we.

Day 2  : We got  time to   understand people and work culture.Believe me, I made no single effort to mingle with IGians and to understand company values.It was like at home at Intelligrape.Day passed and I did nothing more than analysis.

Day 3-4-5 : Started playing around. Learning had become fun in these three days.Got two new colleagues meanwhile Sanjeev and Abishek. Fantastic and now we were four actually. :).Learning became more easier and more fun.

Day 6-22 : Attend Bootcamp inning I. Do excercises. Play TT. Have lunch.Talk  to IGians around. Attend bootcamp inning II.And same cycle each day.But a new person with basics and new ideas was there on each and every day of bootcamp sessions.

Day 23:Kushal’s introduction to Node was a shock wave . He told us about goods and bads of node.js. Lot to learn, more to understand.

Day 24 : I did nothing that day.I wanted to hover around in whole the company.Play TT. Talk to IGians and blah blah blah.

Day 25 : Himanshu’s introduction to Agile, Scrum,KanBan and base process  was awesome and so digesting.He well narrated these all like a story.

Day 26 -30: All set.Session from Abhishek on business communication was something I really appreciate.It was beautifully presented and well delivered.Each and every word was used precisely.

And today I felt like wow!This is called learning with no effort. We had whole day to learn and enjoy as well. First Intellimeet experience was awesome.I really appreciate the work culture here at Intelligrape. After all it’s our own culture. 😉 😉



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