Mongo Monitor : Mongo Current Operations monitoring by lite application


In this blog, we have mentioned how we can monitor the current operations of MongoDB instances with a small application developed by us. Its light weight application was developed using Nodejs, HTML, and javascript. It’s a very helpful application to monitor running queries on MongoDB and do the analysis on it:

Pre-requisite :

    • Nodejs and npm.
    • Network connectivity between MongoDB and the application
    • MongoDB Database user to authenticate the application with the database.
    • Browser : Chrome, Edge, Firefox

Git Download Link :

Mongo Monitor (MM)

How to Install / Use :

    • Create a database user on the MongoDB database with limited privileges (clustermonitor)  to fetch the current operation data.
use admin; db.createUser({ user: "mongomon", pwd: "yourStrongPassword", roles: [ { role: "clusterMonitor", db: "admin" }, { role: "read", db: "admin" } ] }) 
    • Download the git repo from the download link.
    • Make a change in the config file with the host and port of your Mongo instance.
    • Go to the path where the repo is downloaded and open a terminal.
    • Run command :  node ./app.js
    • Now open the link on browser:  http://localost:3000
    • Login to the application using the newly created database user.
    • Click on the current ops button.
    • You will see the current operations running on the database by the user. operation id, query, seconds running ( in millis ), app name ( if exists ), and index used by the query.


Here we are monitoring our Mongo long running queries / current operations using our lite application. In this application you can efficiently monitor your Mongo queries with only analytical information.


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