Migrating to AWS Graviton: Unlocking Cost Savings, Performance, and Efficiency


In the rapidly evolving landscape of cloud computing, businesses are constantly seeking ways to optimize their infrastructure for cost savings, performance, and efficiency. AWS Graviton, powered by Arm-based processors, has emerged as a game-changing solution that offers significant benefits in these areas. This blog post provides a detailed exploration of the advantages of migrating to AWS Graviton, backed by real-world examples, to help you make an informed decision.

What are Graviton Instances?

● AWS Graviton instances are a family of virtual machine instances offered by Amazon Web Services (AWS) that utilize Arm-based processors. These instances are an alternative to the traditional x86-based instances commonly used in cloud computing.

● Graviton instances are powered by custom-designed processors developed by AWS, such as the Graviton2 processor. These processors leverage the Arm architecture, known for its energy efficiency and high-performance capabilities. 

● By utilizing Arm-based processors, AWS aims to provide customers with a cost-effective, scalable, and power-efficient computing option.

● AWS Graviton instances offer a range of instance types, including general-purpose, compute-optimized, memory-optimized, burstable performance, and accelerated computing instances. Each instance type is optimized for different workload characteristics, allowing users to select the most suitable option based on their specific requirements.

Optimizing Workloads with AWS Graviton Instances: 

Graviton processors, custom-designed by AWS, offer a compelling combination of performance, energy efficiency, and cost-effectiveness. They are built on 64-bit ARM Neoverse cores, which provide power-efficient computing for various workloads. AWS offers two generations of Graviton processors: Graviton (A1 instances) and Graviton2 (M6g, C6g, R6g, and T4g instances). Graviton3, being the latest generation, boasts up to 40% better price performance compared to traditional x86-based instances.
Let’s explore some example use cases and recommend the appropriate Graviton instances for each scenario:

● Web Application Hosting:
Use Case: Hosting a web application that serves dynamic and static content, processes user input, and interacts with a database.
Recommended Instance Family: M6g (General Purpose) Reason: M6g instances strike a balance between computing, memory, and networking resources, making them well-suited for hosting web applications that require versatile performance capabilities.

● Scientific Simulation:
Use Case: Running a scientific simulation involving complex mathematical computations like fluid dynamics, weather modeling, or molecular dynamics requires substantial CPU power.
Recommended Instance Family: C7g (Compute Optimized) Reason: C7g instances are optimized for compute-intensive tasks, making them an excellent choice for running scientific simulations that demand significant CPU processing.

● In-memory Database:
Use Case: Operating an in-memory database (e.g. Redis or Memcached) that requires high memory capacity and low-latency access for quick data retrieval and fast response times.
Recommended Instance Family: R6g (Memory Optimized) Reason: R6g instances provide a higher memory-to-vCPU ratio, making them ideal for memory-intensive workloads such as in-memory databases, ensuring efficient data storage and access.

● Development Environment:
Use Case: Setting up a development environment for building, testing, and deploying applications. It requires a baseline level of CPU performance but should have the capability to burst above the baseline during resource-intensive tasks like code compilation and testing.
Recommended Instance Family: T4g (Burstable Performance) Reason: T4g instances offer a baseline level of CPU performance with the ability to burst above the baseline when needed, making them cost-effective for development environments where Occasional bursts of performance are required.

It’s important to note that Graviton instances are designed to offer optimal performance for specific use cases, but the actual choice of instance type should consider the specific requirements of your application, workload characteristics, and performance needs.
AWS continuously enhances its Graviton processor lineup, and users should regularly evaluate the latest offerings to identify the most suitable and cost-effective instances for their workloads.

AWS Graviton instances offer cost savings, performance boosts, power efficiency, and scalability.

Cost Savings:                                      

● Moving to AWS Graviton is a smart move because it can save businesses a lot of money, which is important for companies that want to spend less on their cloud services. The special Graviton computers not only cost less than the regular ones but also do a great job without slowing down. This is super important because, in the cloud, you often pay for what you use, so using fewer resources is a big deal. The Graviton computer is like a money-saver superhero!

● One amazing thing about the Graviton computer is that it’s good at using energy efficiently, which means it costs way less to keep it running. This is especially helpful for apps that need much power to run, where costs can be a big worry. Plus, the Graviton computer doesn’t just save energy; it’s also priced well compared to other computers you can find on AWS.

● Just to give you an idea, imagine a table that shows how much money you can save by using r6g instances with Graviton2 processors instead of r6a and r6i instances with regular x86 processors. It’s like getting a better deal while still getting top-notch performance.


Certainly, let’s break down the example with a table to illustrate better the cost savings achieved through migrating from an x86-based instance to a Graviton-based instance:

Instance Type Cost per Hour Monthly Compute Hours Monthly Cost
c5.large (x86) $0.085/Hour 1000 hours   $85  
c6g.large (Graviton) $0.068/Hour 1000 hours $68  

In this example:

x86-based Instance (c5.large):

   – Cost per Hour: $0.085

   – Monthly Compute Hours: 1000 hours

   – Monthly Cost: 1000 hours * $0.085/hour = $85

Graviton-based Instance (c6g.large):

   – Cost per Hour: $0.068

   – Monthly Compute Hours: 1000 hours

   – Monthly Cost: 1000 hours * $0.068/hour = $68

By migrating the workload from the x86-based instance to the Graviton-based instance, the monthly cost decreases from $85 to $68. This represents a cost reduction of $17 per month, corresponding to a significant 20% decrease in computing costs. This example clearly illustrates the tangible financial benefits of adopting Graviton-based instances for businesses seeking to optimize their cloud expenditures without compromising on performance.

Performance Boost:

●  AWS Graviton instances deliver notable performance improvements, especially for workloads that can efficiently leverage parallel processing. Arm-based processors excel in scenarios such as web servers, containerized microservices, CI/CD pipelines, and data analytics.

●  For example, consider a web application that experiences high traffic during specific periods of the day. By migrating this workload to an AWS Graviton-based instance, such as m6g.large, the application can benefit from the increased performance and parallel processing capabilities of Arm-based processors. This leads to improved responsiveness, reduced latency, and an enhanced user experience during peak usage.

Efficiency and Scalability:

●  Migrating to AWS Graviton brings increased efficiency and scalability to your infrastructure. Graviton processors are designed to optimize power consumption and offer a higher performance-to-power ratio compared to their x86 counterparts. This efficiency translates into lower operational costs and a reduced environmental impact.

●  For instance, if you have a serverless application that dynamically scales based on incoming requests, migrating to AWS Graviton instances, such as the Lambda-based Graviton2 processors, can result in more efficient resource utilization. Graviton2-powered Lambda Functions can process more requests while consuming less power, leading to overall cost reductions and environmental sustainability.

Real-World Examples:

Numerous prominent organizations have already embraced AWS Graviton and witnessed tangible benefits. Let’s explore two notable examples:

Example 1:

●  An organization in the food delivery sector has successfully realized enhanced operational efficiency through the utilization of AWS Graviton2-based instances. The utilization of these instances resulted in a commendable 25 percent reduction in peak capacity for the Apache Druid Cluster, along with an impressive 20 percent reduction for the Trino cluster. This outcome underscores the Graviton2-based instances’ remarkable capability to adeptly manage workloads, leading to a significant improvement in resource utilization.

●  The strategic adoption of AWS Graviton2 instances has facilitated not only substantial cost savings but also a marked enhancement in the overall performance and resource management of their data platform. As a consequence, the organization’s engineering and product teams are now empowered to extract insights more swiftly and streamline their data-related operations with heightened efficiency.

Example 2: 

●  A company successfully transitioned its trading software onto special computers powered by AWS Graviton 2 technology. This switch was quick, taking only a few hours, and didn’t need any major changes to the existing software. The results were impressive: the time it took to complete tasks became 50% faster, and the costs to run the system dropped by a significant 70% compared to the older computers they were using.

●  By using these Graviton2-powered computers, the company even managed to get things done really quickly, like completing tasks in just a tiny fraction of a second. This shows how powerful these new computers are. The changes they made not only helped them offer better and faster services to their customers, but they also showcased how these new computers can lead to much better operations overall.

This real-life example highlights how using these advanced computers can save a lot of money, make things work faster, and give customers better services. It’s a sign of how technology is always improving and making a big impact on different industries.


Migrating to AWS Graviton presents a compelling proposition for organizations aiming to optimize their cloud infrastructure. With cost savings, improved performance, and increased efficiency, Graviton-based instances deliver tangible benefits across a wide range of workloads.

By embracing AWS Graviton, businesses can unlock cost-effective and high-performance computing while driving operational efficiency. The real-world examples showcased in this blog post demonstrate the significant advantages of migrating to AWS Graviton, enabling businesses to make informed decisions and take full advantage of this innovative solution.

In an era where cloud optimization is crucial, AWS Graviton offers a powerful alternative that paves the way for cost-effective, high-performance, and efficient cloud computing. 


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