Docker Version 1.10 – The Big Change

07 / Feb / 2016 by Ranvijay Jamwal 0 comments

Docker just released the new Docker version 1.10. Docker has tried push in a lot of big changes in order make it even simpler for its users. Even the last version that was pushed (Docker 1.9) brought about a lot of changes, especially in networking.

Let’s see in brief, what these changes are and how they will help you to use Docker in a better way.

Docker Engine 1.10

Docker Engine 1.10 has a lot of new networking & security features added to it and few of them are as follows:

Networking Features:
  • DNS server in daemon – Docker now has built-in DNS server and helps in service discovery.
  • Alias hostnames – You can give your container multiple hostnames.
  • Custom IP addresses – Assign custom IP addresses to the containers
  • Links can be made to containers in user- defined networks.
Security Features:
  • Seccomp Profile – Complex security policies for system calls
  • User Namespaces can be defined.
  • Authorization Plugin System – Again for access controls
  • Content Addressable IDs for images
  • You can now create a temporary file system with which you can run your containers with ROFS (Read Only File System).
Increasing ease-of-use:
  • Docker Engine 1.10 allows you to update daemon configurations and resource constraints on the go with the need to reload or restart.
  • I/O read/write constraints for containers can also be defined now.
  • You can send your logs to Splunk as that has now been integrated here.
  • Push and pull performance has also optimized and along with that other tweaks have been made.

Docker Swarm 1.1

The previous version of Docker Swarm (1.0) was said to be production ready but there were still a lot of bugs. Docker has fixed a lot of bugs and added few more features which are:

  • Container rescheduling during a Node Failure has been pushed as an experimental feature. So, probably in the next release, this feature might work flawlessly.
  • Also, a whole lot of options are now present for better node management.

Docker Machine 0.6

A lot of new features have been brought along with this version of Docker Machine.

  • Replication for the Swarm master now exists by default.
  • Detection of virtualization has been made better.
  • For AWS credentials, they can now be read quickly from a config file itself.
  • If you don’t choose a VPC, Docker will choose a default VPC and go ahead.

Docker Compose 1.6

Docker Compose has also got a couple of changes:

  • Docker Compose file version 2 (v2) has been released. You can switch to the new version very easily. It has a lot of more capabilities now.
  • You can now easily define networks and volumes in this version of Docker Compose file.
  • Events command monitor various events for your application.

Docker Registry 2.3

Registry 2.3 has got a lot of performance and security improvements. It is now possible to share layers between different images, thereby improving push for already existing layers.

Hope this gave you a brief idea of what Docker 1.10 looks like. I will be back with more blogs with different use cases which can be implemented using Docker 1.10.


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