JQGrid Powerful Plugin With Cool Features

12 / Jan / 2011 by Tarun Pareek 0 comments

Recently i worked on a JQuery plugin named JQGrid, I found it very productive if you know how to code in JQuery and Javascript. As it also provide event handler and user API it make it more flexible and easier to code.
JQgrid provide plenty of features, some of its cool features such as,
– Solve problem regarding fixing table header while inner scroll is applied to the table data(body).
– Easy to implement Basic Grid, with searching, sorting and filtering with fix header and scalable table structure.
– Provide both XML and JSON support for data. You can also use local data and generate grid using it.
– Provide pagination, and virtual scrolling(Auto loading of data while scrolling)
– Multi language support(i18n)
– Provide subgrid implementation
– Provide Grouping
– Provide Tree grid
– Event Handling and various methods gives more flexibility
– Formatting is another cool feature, you can format the content of the cell and create your custom formatters also.
– Inline Editing in supported(text, textarea, checkbox, select, image, button type).
– Client side validation of entered data is supported.
– Form Editing is supported, full control of form, all features of editing including client side validation.
– Similarly support cell Editing.
– Searching and filtering,
   – custom search
   – toolbar search
   – complex form search
   – Advanced searching with criteria defined
– Support loadonce(load all the data at once)
– hideGrid Feature, work like accordian, collapse/expand of table on click of header.
– Remote data upload
– Navigator footer, you can add your own button to provide functionality on footer.
– Also provide row footer,
– UI DatePicker support, JQuery UI Themes etc.
Some Tricks :
– Use ignoreCase:true feature to apply case-insensitive filtering.
– To display All rows, either simply set the number of rows to rowNums or you can use ‘-1’, set rowNum:-1 it will display all the rows.
Note : Precaution leave always last row blank, as ‘-1’ deduct one row from all the record in the table.(I face the same problem)
– Use afterInsertRow Event, But Note: this event does not fire if gridview option is set to true.
A DrawBacks :
– Doesn’t support row and colspan 🙁 That the one thing i feel is missed in plugin.
Else very powerful plugin. 🙂
This plugin provide so much feature which really make the table implementation with so much functionality on the tip of your hand.
Following Links that may Help you in implementation of JQgrid 3.8,
Demo : http://trirand.com/blog/jqgrid/jqgrid.html
Documentation : http://www.trirand.com/jqgridwiki/doku.php?id=wiki:jqgriddocs
Events : http://www.trirand.com/jqgridwiki/doku.php?id=wiki:events
Options : http://www.trirand.com/jqgridwiki/doku.php?id=wiki:options
Methods : http://www.trirand.com/jqgridwiki/doku.php?id=wiki:methods
Treegrid : http://www.trirand.com/jqgridwiki/doku.php?id=wiki:treegrid
Hope this, JQgrid plugin help you to improve your UI and implementation made much easier. (Powerful plugin with cool features.)
Thanks & regards,
Tarun Pareek


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