
AWS EMR Cost & Performance Optimization: A Business-Centric Approach

Introduction AWS Elastic MapReduce (EMR) is an AWS service for filtering big data using open-source tools such as Apache Spark, Apache Flink, Trino, Hadoop, Hive, Presto, and many more. It provides a platform to run your applications without thinking much about the management of the underlying infrastructure. AWS EMR is a...

by Karandeep Singh
Tag: EMR


AWS EMR: Why Automated Hue Portal Setup & Hadoop Integration makes Data Analytics Easy

Introduction In this data-driven era, handling and processing larger volumes of information quickly becomes the need of the hour. Most of us are familiar with AWS elastic map reduce (emr) for processing and analytics. One of the EMR highlights was its lessening of the pain of setting up analytics tools like Hue, which might be...

by Shuja Rafiq
Tag: EMR


Digitization: A Change That Can Make or Break Your Healthcare System

"Change." It’s a word that often stirs up excitement, hinting at growth and new possibilities, more so in healthcare because the stakes are high. But if we’re honest, every conversation about change also brings a quiet tension—one that any healthcare leader knows well. There’s that lingering question: How will this impact our...

by Kondipudi Pradeep
Tag: EMR