
Queue Operations – Manual or Cron Process Item

The drupal queue is for basically any long-running processes or such of any time-consuming task which is taking too much time, so here Drupal core is giving one of the best queue plugins to add items into the queue and process all items later behind the run-time request rather than taking time when loading the page. The long-running...

by Rakesh Kumar
Tag: Drupal


How to Integrate MongoDB with Drupal

In this tutorial we are going to learn how to integrate MongoDB with Drupal. Before proceeding we should know some of the following basics: What is MongoDB?  MongoDB is a source-available cross-platform document-oriented database program. Classified as a NoSQL database program, MongoDB uses JSON-like documents with optional schemas....

by Rajveer Singh
Tag: Drupal


How to create custom Drush command in Drupal

In this tutorial se are going learn how to create custom Drush command in drupal. For that we need to create a custom module. The file structure will be like below drush_command_example    Commands       CustomCommands.php   drush_command_example.info   drush.services.yml 1. drush_command_example.info file name: Drush...

by Rajveer Singh
Tag: Drupal


How to give twig suggestion for custom form in Drupal 8 and 9

In this tutorial we will learn how to give twig suggestions to a custom form in drupal 8/9 First, we will render the entire form into twig file then we will render one by one field in the twig file Here we have a module ttn_blogs module. Below are the steps to follow: Step 1  Create routing file in module:...

by Rajveer Singh
Tag: Drupal

Drupal, Software development

Why Choose Drupal Over Other CMSs?

Why Drupal? A primary question that comes to our mind before stepping ahead for development is how to choose the best suited CMS for the website from a variety of available CMS? Now, it depends on the requirements, if the website is a blog related website, you will definitely think of WordPress and if the website is E-commerce...

by Harsh Behl
Tag: Drupal

Drupal, Technology

How to Give Back to Drupal Community

Let's start with answering why most of companies/developers do not contribute? We all might know real problems, but I believe the most important is the awareness. In 2008 Dries wrote a blog Contributing back to Drupal for inviting new ideas to increase companies participation. Not sure how many could adapt into the culture of...

by Harsh Behl
Tag: Drupal

AWS, DevOps

Image Optimization Using Jpegtran with AWS Lambda

Image optimization is an important thing when designing a website. Through image optimization using the open source Jpegtran, one can reduce their image size while preserving their visual quality, which is also known as lossless compression. This results in saving many bytes or KB. Upgraded pictures utilizing Jpegtran likewise increment...

by Gaurav Rishi
Tag: Drupal

AWS, Cloud

S3 Bucket Configuration With Drupal 8

Drupal provides both public and private file systems. S3 File System (Amazon S3) provides an additional file system to the Drupal site. S3FS module is used to store files in Amazon S3 (Simple Storage Service) or any other S3-compatible storage service. You can configure your Drupal site to use S3 File System as default, or use it only for...

by Brahma Nand
Tag: Drupal


Infographic – Comparing Drupal, AEM and Sitecore? 7 Key Features to Consider!

We have witnessed a drastic technological transformation in the recent years. Companies are adopting various digital technologies to stay ahead in the competition including Cloud, Mobile, Data, Analytics and more. Out of the multiple advances, content management is also quickly gaining traction. Traditionally, without a Web Content...

by Kinshuk D Jhala
Tag: Drupal


Drupal Module Contributions and Issues Resolved by Experts @ TO THE NEW

Drupal is one of the widely used content management systems across the globe. Drupal continuously upgrades its versions with enhanced features and functionalities. Our team at TO THE NEW has been working on various Drupal versions such as Drupal 6, 7 and the latest version Drupal 8. Outlined below are some of the modules contributed by...

by Kinshuk D Jhala
Tag: Drupal

Drupal, Technology

How to implement Queue Worker/API in Drupal 8?

Before I start my writing about Queue Worker, it is important to understand about cron job in Drupal 8. In generic terms, cron is a scheduled job which runs periodically at fixed intervals. cron manages typical tasks such as database maintenance, sending bulk emails, fetching data from a third-party on regular basis. It manages...

by Sarthak .
Tag: Drupal