
Angular Routes

As we all of know that AngularJS is very popular and powerful front-end framework, which helps us to build rich UI/UX applications. AngularJS has many cool things/features, but today we will concentrate on routes only and will try to make a small single page application like Facebook/Gmail with the help of routes, where we will perform...

by Amit Kumar
Tag: AngularJS


$sce in angular

In my Angular project, I came across a situation where i had to render some html markup, but the tricky thing was, the markup was contained in some angular scope variable. And when outputting it, it just printed out the html markup as basic text. A quick Google search informed me about the directive ng-bind-html and...

by Sakshi Tyagi
Tag: AngularJS


Component in AngularJS

When we are working on front-end part, then many times we face a situation where same HTML repeats on the same page or different pages, at that time we think of making that HTML a component. When using AngularJS framework, we can easily make components with the help of directives. Let's quickly understand what a directive is? A directive...

by Amit Kumar
Tag: AngularJS


Using AngularJS with Grails app… my first impression

In my current grails application, we have started using the AngularJS after realizing that the GSP template engine is a bit slow. Now, I realize how efficient AngularJS can be, and think of sharing my first impressions while using AngularJS with grails app. Following are some of the reasons, that I find, makes AngularJS stands out: ...

Tag: AngularJS

AngularJS, Front End Development

AngularJS : copy vs extend

While using AngularJS, you will usually come across this situation when you want to copy one object to another object. In such case you will have only two solutions: angular.copy() or angular.extend(). Lets see how these solutions work. 1. angular.copy(source, destination) : It creates a deep copy of source object or array and...

by Sakshi Tyagi
Tag: AngularJS

AngularJS, Front End Development

Writting Your Own Filters In Angular JS

While using AngularJS, we come across situation in which we want to display some data in certain format or some specific condition to be applied on the data. In this case, filters comes to rescue. We can define our custom filters and return filtered data in whichever way we want to display it. Lets learn it through an example: ...

by Sakshi Tyagi
Tag: AngularJS

AngularJS, Front End Development

AngularJS : Getting started with Directives

In this post we will go through an important aspect of AngularJS i.e., Directives. Directives helps us do things in a better and cleaner way. Lets get into the code rather going into theoretical explanations, which will make it more clear what actually directives do. We have written a simple directive below which shows some HTML when...

by Suroor Wijdan
Tag: AngularJS

AngularJS, Front End Development

AngularJS: Sharing Data between two controllers through a service

The topic of this post is quite confusing for many developers as they face problems in identifying the best practice to share data between controllers in AngularJS. Some of the articles out there tell to use $rootScope but that's not the correct approach to enable this functionality. A more cleaner and better way of doing so is through...

by Suroor Wijdan
Tag: AngularJS

AngularJS, Front End Development

AngularJS: Implementing Routes And Multiple Views

We have already seen the concept of routes and multiple views in my previous blog. Now let's see how to implement it in code. To implement the concept of routing in AngularJS, we need to create modules. Inside a module config, we can define routes. [javascript] File : js/modules.js angular.module('videoModule', []). ...

by raj
Tag: AngularJS

AngularJS, Front End Development

AngularJS : Multiple Views, Layout Template and Routing

Need For Multiple Views In all previous examples which I used on AngularJS, there was only a single view, i.e. the view displaying the list of youtube videos. Now let's say we wan't to display a detail page when a video is clicked. On the detail page, we will display more details about the video like author name, comments etc. In this...

by raj
Tag: AngularJS

AngularJS, Front End Development

AngularJS : Fetching data from the server

In all previous blogs on AngularJS, we used hard coded data. Now, its the time to get more dynamic and play with the data fetched from the server. For this, we will use AngularJS dependency injection which injects various services into the controller. To use a service is even more simpler. We just declare the name of the service as an...

by raj
Tag: AngularJS

AngularJS, Front End Development

AngularJS : Sorting objects on various attributes

In last blog on AngularJS, we implemented text suggestions functionality. Now, let's consider that we have a list of objects with each object having two or more attributes with their corresponding values. The problem is to get the sorted list of objects based on an attribute selected by user at run time. AngularJS provides us a very quick...

by raj
Tag: AngularJS