AngularJS, Front End Development
Introduction Before developing any application, it is always important to use the technology stack in a beneficial way. Using a technology doesn’t count until and unless we use it effectively. Let’s see some of the common performance issues caused by AngularJS and their possible suggestions to fix or ways to avoid them. ...
AngularJS, Front End Development
Introduction The year 2015-2017 saw a host of new frameworks from the house of JavaScript. Though several of their offerings did fail to make a resounding impact, Angular and React survived the test of time to become the go to frameworks for successful Angular development. With several frameworks have made headway in the world of...
AngularJS, Front End Development
We are all living in the experience economy. We all have a recall of products that provide great user experience and we also tend to share a positive word of mouth about such products. Product engineering isn't just about delivering a functionality anymore but also about delivering a seamless experience. A highly visual product is...
A successful business requires clean, attractive and intuitive consumer facing the web and mobile properties. A good front-end doesn't just help to create a recall but also drive engagement and generate more business. Engineering a product that is both attractive with a high performance is challenging and requires expertise that...
I am assuming that you’ve seen websites developed on AngularJS. If not, here are a few sites using AngularJS you would be familiar with: Youtube Netflix Weather IStockPhoto AngularJS is taking over the robust development around the world. There’s a good reason for that React-style framework that makes better developer...
"Protractor is an end-to-end test framework for AngularJS applications. Protractor is to run one or multiple tests against your application running in a real browser, interacting with it as a user would." It is easier to check on GUI based system because it launches a browser automatically during the test. But what about non-GUI?...
Second day of FullStack, 2016 London was full of knowledge, great workshops and more amazing people. It felt so good to meet people who have developed some awesome products that we have been using since long and provide an experience to our customers. I got a chance to talk with Heroku and twillio and they explained their future vision to...
The day one at GR8Conf EU June 2016 Copenhagen, Denmark which is university day was pretty awesome with lots of hands-on exercises or labs in each session. Also, we got very cool mugs following are the pics: The first day of the GR8Conf went beyond our expectations. The atmosphere, the sessions and the speakers really made the...
AngularJS, Front End Development
Angular :- Angular is a robust application level js framework based on MVC pattern, facilitate you to extend HTML's syntax to express application's components clearly. Angular's bi-directional data binding and dependency injection reduce code complexity and development time. Polymer :- Polymer is a lightweight js library used to build...
AngularJS, Front End Development
There's a phase in every project when development reaches its completion and next step is to make it search engine friendly. When I had to do this task in my project, at that time I was a little bit confident that this is a very simple task and we just need to set meta tags and some other html tags so that google can crawl easily. But...
We have been using Jasmine to test our angular code. Recently I came across a piece of code in Javascript which included a REST API call and returned a promise. The promise then had a success callback and all the rest of the play. So in this blog, I have tried to illustrate how to test a promise. Here I have a function which returns a...
AngularJS, Front End Development
We always need some mechanism to control our front-end application at the time when we bootstrap it. Getting some customization done before kicking in the angular on the front end, can be a desired use case for some of the Angular Applications. It is mainly needed when we have to redirect to an Angular application from some other social...