
Mastering Download Tracking : Using AEP WebSDK for Event Monitoring

Introduction: Tracking file download events across websites is crucial for understanding user engagement and based on which digital strategies can be optimized. Using the AEP WebSDK extension offers a robust solution for capturing such events. By leveraging this extension, businesses can seamlessly monitor and capture download events,...

by Divyansh Agarwal
Tag: AdobeAnalytics


Streamlining Analytics: Leveraging ListVars in AEP Web-SDK

ListVar is the most powerful variable in Adobe Analytics. So, we have eVars and props as well to store the data but due to their character limit 100 char for prop and 250 char for eVar,  there might be chances of value truncation in case of large data.  ListVars are custom variables that you can use however you’d like. They work...

by Divyansh Agarwal
Tag: AdobeAnalytics

Adobe, Anaytics

Pass digital data layer to Adobe analytics using javascript

Requirement In general, data is passed to Adobe Analytics on page load. Sometimes it is required to load page content without reloading/refreshing the page. For example, if a web application has page navigation based on the Table Of Content and page refresh, and not a requirement, but content should get updated. Solution Without...

by Vijay Kumar
Tag: AdobeAnalytics