Data & Analytics, User Experience, Web Content Management

Navigating Trust: A Guide to Consent Management with Apache Unomi

In the era of heightened awareness about data privacy and protection, organizations face a critical challenge: gaining and maintaining the trust of their users. Apache Unomi, an open-source customer data platform, comes equipped with robust consent management features, empowering businesses to navigate the complex landscape of user consent effectively. In this blog, we will explore […]

February 28, 2024

Agile, Data & Analytics, Digital Transformation

Implementation of SMART framework in Agile

What is Agile? Agile is a method of managing a project with the intent to create and respond to change. It involves breaking down the project tasks into many smaller phases and pieces to develop it in a flexible and adaptive way. Agile provides flexibility to adaptation, frequent changes, and better visibility with respect to […]

February 2, 2024

Android, Front End Development, Mobility

Ways to improve UI performance for Native Android

It is understood that using basic layout structures is an efficient way to create UI. Here, we need to understand that each widget that we add to our layout structure requires initialization and drawing. Below, we will discuss some of the Android API’s to improve UI performance. ViewStub ViewStub is a zero-sized view that is […]

January 31, 2024

Drupal, Technology, User Experience

What is Single Sign-On (SSO) and how does it work?

Single sign-on (SSO) is an authentication method that enables users to securely authenticate with multiple applications and websites using just one set of credentials. SSO is an authentication scheme that allows a user to log in with a single ID to any of several related, yet independent software systems. True single sign-on allows users to […]

January 23, 2024

Adobe, Anaytics, Data & Analytics

Unveiling the world of Unomi

Overview In the fast-paced digital business world, understanding your customers and providing personalized experiences is essential for success.  Over the last few months, we have been exploring the world of Customer Data Platforms (CDP).  During this exploration, the name of the Adobe Experience Platform (AEP) Real-Time Customer Data Platform (RT-CDP), a licensed product of Adobe, […]

December 11, 2023

Java, Software development, User Experience

Custom Exceptional Handling using ControllerAdvice

Here, we can see in the above image that the product is not present for this product ID. But we are getting proper 200 status. which is not a proper understandable response. Let’s understand why we need Custom Exceptional Handing Using @ControllerAdvice in Spring allows you to create a centralized exception handler that can handle […]

October 4, 2023

Agile, Experience Design, Software development

Code Less, Communicate More: The Advantages of Spec-First API Design

Developing robust and scalable REST APIs is a core challenge in software development. A rising methodology, the spec-first approach, also known as API-first or design-first, is gaining prominence for its effectiveness in crafting APIs that precisely meet requirements. This method revolves around the creation of a comprehensive API specification before any code is written. In […]

September 17, 2023

Adobe, Anaytics, Data & Analytics

Pass digital data layer to Adobe analytics using javascript

Requirement In general, data is passed to Adobe Analytics on page load. Sometimes it is required to load page content without reloading/refreshing the page. For example, if a web application has page navigation based on the Table Of Content and page refresh, and not a requirement, but content should get updated. Solution Without loading a […]

August 30, 2023

Product Engineering, Software development, Technology

How to give estimations to develop any web application?

Estimation of a web application to development can be a complex process, but there are several steps you can take to make the process more manageable. Gathering requirements Start by gathering as much information as possible about the desired features and functionalities of the application. This includes a detailed understanding of the problem that the […]

August 26, 2023