Data Science

Fine-Tuning Code GenAI model on Google Colab T4 GPU: A Step-by-Step Guide

Introduction Fine-tuning large language models for code generation typically requires significant computing power. Many popular models, such as Code LLaMA or CodeT5, demand high-performance GPUs like NVIDIA A100, making them less accessible for most users. However, by leveraging LoRA (Low-Rank Adaptation) and quantization techniques with libraries such as `BitsAndNytes` and `PEFT`, you can fine-tune Starcoder2 […]

September 24, 2024

Data Science

Unlocking Financial Insights Using Generative AI

Introduction The financial industry generates vast amounts of complex data, from annual reports to contractual obligations, which often need to be analyzed for strategic decision-making. Manually processing and extracting insights from these documents is time-consuming and prone to error. Agentic GraphRAG, is a cutting-edge technology that leverages graph-based retrieval and generative models to revolutionize how […]

September 24, 2024