Vijay Kumar

Adobe, Anaytics

Pass digital data layer to Adobe analytics using javascript

Requirement In general, data is passed to Adobe Analytics on page load. Sometimes it is required to load page content without reloading/refreshing the page. For example, if a web application has page navigation based on the Table Of Content and page refresh, and not a requirement, but content should get updated. Solution Without...


Adobe, Digital Engineering

XML Add On – Conditional/Filtered DITA content output in AEM

Use cases Let's assume we have a large number of published articles or topics. Each article contains some paragraphs or content that is obsolete now and should not be displayed to the end users. Since the number of articles is large, it is difficult to update the content quickly. Let's say we have all content ready, but this needs...


Adobe, Digital Transformation

Sorting Preferences (List of DITA Topics) in AEM XML Web Editor Interface

Problem statement For editing the XML content AEM provides an XML web editor interface, where editors can edit content, add XML elements in the markup and refer one or more Darwin Information Typing Architecture(DITA) topics/articles in a DITA topic. Editors can navigate the preferences list and include it in the DITA topic. The out of...
