Vibhash Kumar

Vibhash Kumar is a Senior Software Engineer at To The New company with around 6.6 years of experience in iOS development. He has worked in multiple domains, including Education apps, Banking applications, and Govt apps like MyPAN. He also possesses comprehensive expertise in the development of Objective C, Swift and Swift UI, and a keen interest in emerging Digital Technologies.

Application Security, iOS

Prevent MITM Attack by SSL Public Key Pinning : Part – 2

In this blog, we are going to learn about public key pinning and how we can achieve it with URLSession. Before that, let's briefly discuss SSL certificate pinning. SSL pinning is a security technique used in mobile and web applications to ensure that the client only communicates with servers via a specific SSL certificate or public...


Application Security, iOS

Prevent MITM Attack by SSL Pinning (URLSession)

What is an MITM Attack? An MITM is a form of cyber attack where a malicious individual manipulates two users to access data that two parties are trying to deliver to each other. A malicious hacker, without being recognized hacks the intended data that are meant to be sent to a particular person. In certain aspects, like MITM, MitM, MiM,...
