Tanu Siwag


Integrating customer.io for Sending Right Messages at the Right Time

Email marketing present so many benefit over other traditional forms of marketing. It drives better returns on investment and customer engagement metrics than other marketing techniques because of Reduce Overhead Costs and Reduced Time and Efforts. The old process for sending an email involves only one step as send an email, and...



Preview Image and Watermark configuration with jw player

Video is one of the most popular internet activity worldwide these days. Almost every website needs a player to be embed in it. An important technique to increase the popularity and for branding is to use watermarks on player. It is the best way to promote your brand throughout the video and also the ceapest one. A watermark can be...



Generate Excel Sheet with Formula embedded in it

Recently in our application, we needed to generate an excel sheet where some of the values for the column needed to be calculated on the basis of values of other columns depending upon an embedded formula in the excel sheet. To work with excel file we need the following in your BuildConfig.groovy: [java] dependencies{ compile...
