Sunidhi Negi


Add Google Analytics to your Drupal website

Introduction Google Analytics is a web analytics service offered by Google that allows website owners and marketers to track and analyze various aspects of their website's performance and user behavior. It provides valuable insights into how users interact with a website, what content they engage with, where they come from, and much...



Set up Drupal on Pantheon and setting up Pantheon locally

Introduction Pantheon is a popular hosting provider and web development platform that specializes in hosting websites and applications built on various content management systems (CMS) including Drupal. Setting up a Drupal website on Pantheon:- ● Navigate to the website “”,sign-up with your email address, and...



Integration of Google Tag Manager with Drupal 9

Introduction Google Tag Manager is used to manage your website’s marketing tags. It has several advantages, such as the creation of tags, easy integration with Google analytical tools, faster loading time, and display of fired tags. Before integrating Drupal with Google Tag Manager, generate a container ID. To do so, follow the...



Creating forms with the help of Webform module in Drupal

Webform module is drupal's fastest-used module whose ultimate purpose is to create forms easily. It also provides a few outstanding features of sending emails to users, multi-step forms, etc and these forms can be easily migrated from Drupal 7 to Drupal 9 using the webform: migrate module. Installation and working of Webform Module:- ...



A guide to configure metatag module in your Drupal website

Meta tags are the extract of the page’s content. These HTML tags play a pivotal role in search engine optimization. They do not appear on the page but definitely do on the page's source code. Drupal provides a metatag module ( to generate meta keywords for your Drupal website. It can be done at the...



Configuration Split in Drupal

Introduction Drupal has recently introduced one of its greatest features i.e., configuration management. For instance, you need a stage file proxy module on your local, dev and stage environments but not on a production environment. This is where the configuration split module comes into the picture. It helps users to split/divide...
