Abstract A well-planned and managed project is more likely to meet its objectives, stay on schedule, and come in on budget. Effective planning and management can help to mitigate risks, identify and address challenges, and ensure that the project stays on track. Since even the most well-developed projects will have the risks. The best...
If you are using Appium, TestNG & Maven test frameworks and Java language for your mobile automation project, then it'll help you. To run your Appium Java TestNG scripts, you need to club your test-cases & all the dependencies in one file and provide it to Device Farm. And to attain this, do some modifications in the pom.xml...
App Automation lets you ensure that you can run your test-suite repetitively, with minimal effort & check the results whether its meeting your functional requirements or not. After each build-release, you need to follow the same procedure. But the challenge is to cover variety of phones & tablets and it is really impossible to...
We always think that The Test Automation is a magical formula to improve the quality of applications from the beginning of application development. But when we actually start with automation, then is the time we realize the real situation. More often, we face many challenges like when to start automation, what to automate, ...
While doing automation using selenium, there are certain repetetive tasks that we need to perform in order to handle page elements. So, the aim of this blog is to highlight some common operations that we need to handle every now and then. Some operations are: 1. Open URL in different browsers (Chrome, Firefox, IE) 2. Do mouse-hovers ...