Shubham Joshi


Custom Service for Youtube URL in Drupal 8, 9, 10

Overview When working with YouTube video integration in Drupal, you often come across which proper YouTube URL we use in our application for playing videos. Sometimes, a few URLs worked on a few browsers, and some didn't. However, to overcome this kind of problem, we already have a contributed module in Drupal named YouTube Field, which...



How to create dependent fields in Paragraph Entity using hooks in Drupal 9 & 10

Introduction When working with complex forms, you often have fields whose state depends on the input values of other fields in the form. For example, you might have a select list of options, the options for which depend upon the value selected for another field. In this blog, I present one case study of my Drupal project where I had to...



How to use Dependent Fields in Drupal 9 Node Entity

Introduction When working with complex forms, you often have fields whose state depends on the input values of other fields in the form. For example, you might have a select list of options, the options for which depend upon the value selected for another select list. In this blog, I am representing one case study of my Drupal project...



Alter Page Cache for using cookies in Drupal 9

To modify Page Caching behavior we need to understand the following Drupal Core concepts which are mentioned below. Internal page cache ( \Drupal\page_cache\StackMiddleware\PageCache):  In Drupal, internal page caching refers to a built-in caching mechanism that caches the entire HTML output of rendered pages. Content negotiation...



Content Moderation and Workflow with Email Notification in Drupal 9

Creating editorial workflow using content moderation is used to speed up the publishing process. Imagine a website has 10 content types, hundreds of contents for each content type, and daily contents are updated or added by a single admin user who has the publish and unpublish permission. So admin user can verify and publish each content...



Progressively Decoupled App With React on Drupal

Decoupled Architecture To understand the term “Decoupled” we need to understand what “Coupled” is. A coupled (also known as “traditional” or “monolithic”) CMS knits together the front- and back-ends. Working off the same application, developers and content managers make adjustments to the back-end while users interact...
