Shivang Chaturvedi

I am a passionate coder and a blogger with almost 10 years of experience in IT industry.

MEAN, Node.js

Simple way to handle monetary data in MongoDB in a NestJs application

While building my backend NestJs application, I wanted to store some financial data. The first question I ran into was what schema Type should be for storing data where I want to maintain the data precision. Decimal128 came out to be the prescribed official candidate to store the financial data. Here’s my initial schema...


Front End Development, MEAN

Why and how finally{…} block is NOT meaningless

A definition first (from the internet): try-catch-finally is used to handle runtime errors and prevent them from halting the execution of a program. The finally block triggers regardless of: what is implemented inside the try-catch block any errors encountered inside try-catch block any return statement written...


MEAN, Node.js

Top level await() without async() function in NodeJs

Here’s how async-await function typically works: function myDummyBackendCall() { return new Promise((resolve) => { setTimeout(() => { resolve({ name: "Shivang", id: "asmdhajkdhajdsh8qweuqoweuiqepoi-0q-0eueiuaisjdaKcjaisku", }); }); }); } // Used an async wrapper function to make an await call (async () => { ...


Digital Transformation, Software development

Go Pointers! Let’s talk about it…

A pointer, as name suggests, is a variable that points to a location in the memory of your system where a value is stored rather than a value itself. Basically, it is an address to the value stored in memory. The definition is simple but this concept can be a little tricky to wrap your head around. When I first developed a good...


AWS, DevOps

Fooling around with Docker CLI commands with PostgreSQL image

Currently, I am developing a side project wherein I wanted to use Postgres as my project database using its docker image. This blog is my brain dump of the docker basics I have learned so far, and I have attempted to break down the CLI commands I used or came across during the course of development for my own better understanding. ...
