Raushan Tiwari

10+ years of experience in Web & Application development. In TO THE NEW, I am an Associate Technical Lead. Currently, my roles include developing the module, customizing the theme, making the twig file, and code reviews.

Drupal, Technology

What is Single Sign-On (SSO) and how does it work?

Single sign-on (SSO) is an authentication method that enables users to securely authenticate with multiple applications and websites using just one set of credentials. SSO is an authentication scheme that allows a user to log in with a single ID to any of several related, yet independent software systems. True single sign-on allows users...


Drupal, Software development

What’s the Difference Between OpenID Connect, SAML and OAuth?

OpenId Connect (OIDC) OpenID Connect is an extension of OAuth2 that adds an identity layer to the authorization framework. It allows a client to verify the user's identity and obtain basic profile information. The user logs in to an identity provider (such as Google or Facebook) using OpenID Connect, and the identity provider returns an...


Application Security, Drupal

Configure the authorize.net Payment Gateway

Authorize.net is a payment gateway service that enables customers to accept credit cards through websites. Users can transact and handle payments on a low-cost basis without paying any additional transaction fees.  If you wish to check out the features of authorize.net, you can create a sandbox account (free service), it's the same as...
