Priyanka Raha

Agile, Digital Transformation

Modernize Legacy Apps: Key Steps & Benefits

In the fast-paced realm of technology, where innovation is the heartbeat of progress, legacy applications find themselves at a crossroads.  Let's talk about why it's so important to update these old applications and what we need to think about when we do it. Let's shine a light on how we can breathe new life into outdated systems. Why...



Requirement Gathering: A Simple Guide for Software Development

Introduction Imagine building a house without a blueprint or planning a trip without knowing the destination. Sounds chaotic, right? In software development, the equivalent of a blueprint is the requirement-gathering process. It is the crucial first step that ensures everyone is on the same page and working towards a common goal. Let us...


Software development

How to Write a Business Case?

What is a Business Case? A Business case is a Non-Financial Document that helps persuade an organization to take up a project by giving all the relevant facts. It explains why the project is needed & how it will create a solution. It also includes the pros and cons of taking or letting the project go.  It is an important project...
