Nikhil Saxena

Nikhil Saxena is a seasoned IT professional with around 5 years of expertise as a frontend developer adept at crafting and managing dynamic UI's. He has also worked on web ARIA accessibility, bug rectification, and effectively translating business requirements. Praised by peers for his unwavering ownership of project timelines and work quality. Notably, he's earned the Star Performer of the Month award, showcasing his commitment to excellence in every endeavor.

Adobe, Front End Development

Part 6 – Web Accessibility: Focusing on Visual Representation of navigation links

This is the last example for the web aria accessibility implementation, where we will look at how we can visually represent the links on keyboard navigation. If you take an example of navigation links, here on anchor tags, we have a href attribute, which makes the anchor tag focusable by default where this black border/outline comes...


Adobe, Front End Development

Part 5 – Web Accessibility: Fixing Checkbox to announce the “checked” / “unchecked” state while using screen reader

This is the third example for the web aria accessibility implementation where we will understand announcing the checkbox label and checkbox checked/unchecked state correctly on the spacebar key-down and click. This is the working solution below on how to make this checkbox announce label and state. ⇒ Code SNIPPET 3 - <!DOCTYPE...


Adobe, Front End Development

Part 4 – Web Accessibility: NVDA Screen Reader for effective debugging

This is the second example of the web aria accessibility implementation, where we will fix the issues using the NVDA Screen Reader. Here, we will get to know whether it will read the webpage or not and check the multiple accessibility errors. You can download this tool from this link - ...


Adobe, Front End Development

Part 3 – Web Accessibility: Practical Approaches to Implement accessibility using Axe tool

This is the first example for the web aria accessibility implementation, where we will understand how this Axe Tool works and look at how we can fix these issues. You can read more about the accessibility implementation from the mdn web docs. But by Installing this Axe Accessibility Linter plugin on the Visual Studio Code, the...


Adobe, Front End Development

Part 2 – Web Accessibility: Your guide to comprehensive website testing

Accessibility Testing -  Automated Assessment: Automated testing tools can scan websites or mobile applications to identify errors across numerous pages based on WCAG standards. This approach can potentially uncover up to 57% of accessibility concerns. 1. VS Code Plugin - The axe Accessibility Linter plugin for VS Code assists...


Adobe, Front End Development

PART 1 – Web Accessibility: Ensuring Equal Online Experiences for All

Overview - The concept of accessibility revolves around whether individuals can use a product or service, regardless of how they encounter it. While regulations for accessibility exist to support people with disabilities, designers should strive to cater to a diverse range of potential users across different usage situations. Here...
