Navjot Singh

AWS, DevOps

Running multi-container Nodejs application using docker-compose

This blog post is about using docker-compose, a tool provided by docker to define and run multi container application using a single command. It uses a docker-compose.yml file as default input file. I got a use case which was to run a Nodejs application behind a Nginx acting as a reverse proxy in two different Docker containers. This...


AWS, DevOps

Unifying control of multiple AWS accounts by using AWS STS

Recently, we came across a scenario where we need to create AMIs of multiple production servers running in four different AWS accounts. One solution was to create an automation script to be run on an AWS EC2 instance running in each aws account which would create AMI of all production servers running in each account. This would have...


AWS, Technology

Route 53: Setting up Private Hosted Zones (PHZ)

It’s been a while since Amazon extended its Route53 service by adding a new feature called Private Hosted Zone which works within VPC. We recently started exploring it and thought of sharing our learning through this blog. Introduction: This feature enables us to route the traffic between various resources present inside a VPC using...



Logentries – Search and Analysis using RegEx named capture group

Most of us would be using some tools for centralizing logs, their analysis and storage. Logentries is also the one falling into this category. Logentries provides a straightforward way for analysis of logs containing KVPs i.e. Key-Value pairs. But for the cases where KVPs are not present it becomes quite hectic to analyse the logs. ...


AWS, DevOps

Jenkins – Implementing Project-based Matrix Authorization Strategy

In one of my recent projects, while working on Jenkins, I was required to create and implement a Project-based Matrix Authorization Strategy. Installation of Jenkins is a simple task, but it took me a while to implement this strategy and later I found it quite easy enough and thought of writing a blog. Project-based Matrix...




Varnish is an open source, free and flexible software which is used accelerate the speed of website by caching webpage contents in memory. Varnish caches content using hash-tables which are key-value store where URL is usually taken as key. Scenario Set up varnish to serve only specific pages of your website from cache. The webpages...



Docker ( Dockerfile and communication between containers )

In this blog, we would be using Dockerfile to create images and see how two docker containers would communicate using below scenario. Scenario Create two docker images using Dockerfile, one would host wordpress website and other would hold the website's database. Using these images, create two containers, one for database hosting and...



DOCKER (Scenario: Installing and using Apache web server in docker container)

Introduction Docker is an open source platform which can be used to run/test applications in an isolated environment on the host system. Docker could be defined as an implementation of container using the concept of images. Unlike VM which is a complete OS intalled on host system managed by hypervisors and needs dedicated resources...




VPN provides a solution to connect the company resources (servers or data) present inside a private network or located at physically far-away location over a private, secure, and reliable network channel at a lower cost than that of setting up a dedicated leased line to accomplish the same task. Introduction to OpenVPN Developed in 2002...
