Moin Malik

Java, Software development

Custom Exceptional Handling using ControllerAdvice

Here, we can see in the above image that the product is not present for this product ID. But we are getting proper 200 status. which is not a proper understandable response. Let’s understand why we need Custom Exceptional Handing Using @ControllerAdvice in Spring allows you to create a centralized exception handler that can handle...



Top 10 Spring Boot Annotations.

                                                                                SpringBootApplication: The primary annotation used in Spring Boot applications. It combines three other annotations:  @Configuration, @EnableAutoConfiguration, and @ComponentScan. @Configuration:...



Getting Started with Spring Boot

What is Spring Boot? Spring Boot is now an open-source Java-Based framework to create standalone microservices with production-ready features. It is heavily maintained by the Pivotal team. Microservices is an architectural design that creates scalable, loosely coupled, and testable applications with a single function module with a...
