Kirti Nandwani


Unsupervised Learning | Clustering

In the last blog we discussed supervised machine learning and K-Nearest neighbour technique to solve the classification problem. If you haven’t read the previous blog, it is recommended you read it first. In this blog we will discuss another important aspect of machine learning, called as Unsupervised learning. As the name suggests...



Supervised Machine Learning : Classification Problem

In the last blog we had a brief introduction to machine learning. We also took a shallow dive in classification problem in machine learning. If you have not read the previous blog, you can read it from here. Here, we will discuss how do we solve classification problem. We will use k-Nearest Neighbor algorithm (one of the machine learning...



Introduction to Machine Learning: A brief concept overview

You would have come across the terms “Machine learning” (or Data mining), or cognitive intelligence, “big data” or “data science” and wondered what they actually are. You might have used some tool or package in your job for data analytics, data modeling etc. but you don’t really know the underlying principles for it. Machine...



Why Functional Programming?

As software becomes more and more complex, it is more and more important to structure it well. The well-structured software is easy to write and debug and provides a collection of modules that can be reused to reduce future programming costs. Here I will share how functional programming inherently comes up with more scalability and...



Write Criteria with has many String Types

Taking further this scenario, what if we need to query for partial matches of String, like just 'rai' not 'grails'. We face many issues while creating criteria with has many relationship on String types as normal way of querying doesn't work with has many relationship for String  types. One way of getting this done is to use HQL....
