Kinshuk D Jhala

Kinshuk is a passionate marketing technologist by day. He loves writing about various digital advances such as Cloud, Big Data, IOT, Mobility, Analytics and more. He is also passionate about using new age digital media vehicles for increasing the overall marketing effectiveness. He has spent reasonable years in the technology sector working with inbound teams on various branding and marketing projects.

Cloud, Digital Transformation

5 Technology Trends That Will Dominate 2018

Businesses are changing the way they used to run a decade back. They are adapting to the fast-paced competitive environment by changing their business models and leveraging cutting-edge technologies. While 2017 witnessed the rise in interesting technologies such as Blockchain, Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning; 2018 brings much...


Digital Transformation, Technology

How Digital Transformation Is Reshaping Businesses To Meet The Digital Age? The CX Context!

There has been a significant growth in the digital advances over the last few years. Companies are leveraging technologies and advances such as Artificial Intelligence, Virtual Augmentation, Machine Learning, IoT, Mobility, and Cloud to build disruptive products. While some of the digitally evolved companies have been able to tame these...


Agile, DevOps

An Overview of Microservice Architecture – Part I

Companies want to bid farewell to legacy architecture and digitize their business models, products and infrastructure. While some advanced companies are leveraging two-speed IT, DevOps and Cloud, some others are still trying to figure out a way to build disruptive web and mobile products faster. Moreover, growing consumer demands have...


Agile, Cloud

How to Build a Robust Microservice Architecture? Continuous Delivery and Other Best Practices – Part II

Microservices have really redefined the way traditional and legacy applications were built. In part I, we have provided an overview of microservices and key benefits of microservice architecture. Unlike the monolithic architectural style, microservice architecture helps to bring business agility and improve time to market. Microservices...


Agile, Cloud

DevOps for Startups – 6 Technical Considerations Before You Kick Start!

Companies around the globe are investing a lot of time, money and efforts in building innovative products. In such a competitive landscape, it is highly critical to maintain the business agility and improve time to market. A decade back operations and development teams used to work in silos making the release cycles long. Over the last...


Connected TV, Smart TV

Infographic – 6 Considerations for Testing Smart TV Applications

Brands foraying into Smart TV space need to provide a superior user experience for better recall and engagement as there has been a great increase in Smart TV content consumption. Unlike testing mobile apps, Smart TV apps require a lot of efforts as testing is platform specific and most testing teams are new to the platforms. We have...



Infographic – Comparing Drupal, AEM and Sitecore? 7 Key Features to Consider!

We have witnessed a drastic technological transformation in the recent years. Companies are adopting various digital technologies to stay ahead in the competition including Cloud, Mobile, Data, Analytics and more. Out of the multiple advances, content management is also quickly gaining traction. Traditionally, without a Web Content...



Drupal Module Contributions and Issues Resolved by Experts @ TO THE NEW

Drupal is one of the widely used content management systems across the globe. Drupal continuously upgrades its versions with enhanced features and functionalities. Our team at TO THE NEW has been working on various Drupal versions such as Drupal 6, 7 and the latest version Drupal 8. Outlined below are some of the modules contributed by...


Agile, Cloud

How Convergence of Cutting-Edge Digital Technologies Helps To Achieve Business Agility?

A business’s ability to leverage digital technology and innovate in a rapidly changing business environment is crucial for success. Digitally mature companies are growing at a rapid pace. Leveraging cutting-edge digital technologies, they are able to transform business models and operational processes. Legacy companies have the fear to...



4 CX Techniques That Help to Gain Competitive Advantage

[caption id="attachment_47124" align="aligncenter" width="632"]                                                           Source - Business 2 Community[/caption] Steve jobs once quoted “you got to start with the customer experience and work back towards the technology – not the other way round” We...


Big Data, Product Engineering

5 Considerations For Building Data Driven Applications

Innovation is at the center of application development. A lot of established companies as well as startups are investing big money in product ideas that have the potential to solve business challenges. While traditional applications are still in place, new age SaaS companies are developing amazing applications for web and mobile keeping...


DevOps, Mobility

Infographic – 9 Performance Optimization Techniques for a Great Mobile Experience

There has been a tremendous growth in the smartphone userbase globally. With an increase in the on-the-go content consumption, it is inevitable for brands to develop products with mobile first mindset and furthermore provide a superior multi-device viewing experience and performance is the key to success. Performance optimization has...
