Kimi Agarwal

Automation Testing, Testing

Mobile Web Automation using Protractor

Protractor is an end-to-end automation testing framework tool. To test Angular web page on a mobile device, we have to use the Appium with Protractor to perform our E2E testing. Both Appium and Protractor are open-source automation testing tool. Appium provides a bridge between a system and a mobile device. It supports three types of...


Automation Testing, Testing

How to use ExtentReport in a framework

The other day while I was executing my TestNG test cases in the Selenium WebDriver, all my test cases got executed, and the report also showed correctly. However, I usually don't find its user interface very friendly especially when it's about creating reports. That's when I came across a user friendly reporting tool...


Automation Testing, Testing

Convention of Selenium Script

Like developers write code to implement a functionality, testers write scripts to test it. Similarly, testers also have to be careful in writing these scripts to maintain the standard of the code. Often it happens that a script running for the first time does not run the second time or shows failed test cases in later runs. To overcome...


Automation Testing, Mobility

Object Identification in Mobile Automation Using UIAutomator VIEWER

Mobile testing is a very hot topic nowadays. There are two ways to test how the application is interacting with the user on the mobile device one is manually and the other is through automation. Manual testing takes lot of time and it’s a very slow process. While automation testing is more efficient and effective process. In...


Automation Testing, Testing

Mobile Web Automation with Appium

Appium is an open source tool for mobile application. It is a bridge or we can say in simple terms it is a mediator between PC and mobile. It supports three types of mobile application i.e. native, web application and hybrid. Native Applications are developed for use on a particular device or platform. It is installed directly on a...
