Hemant Kumar


Understanding Thread Pools, Worker Threads, and Types of Thread Pools

Concurrency and parallelism are essential for building efficient and responsive applications. In modern programming, thread pools are a powerful tool for managing and executing tasks concurrently. In this blog post, we'll explore what thread pools are, the types of thread pools available, and how worker threads play a crucial role in...



Understanding Dispatchers in Kotlin Coroutines

Kotlin coroutines provide an efficient and concise way to handle asynchronous programming. At the heart of coroutines is the concept of dispatchers, which determine where a coroutine will be executed. Dispatchers allow you to specify the thread or context in which a coroutine runs, making it easier to manage concurrency and parallelism in...



Coroutines in Kotlin

In modern applications, especially those involving network requests, file I/O, or complex computations, handling asynchronous operations is essential to maintain responsiveness and performance. Traditionally, developers have used callbacks, threads, futures, and AsyncTask in Android to manage asynchronous tasks. However, these methods...
