In one of my project, I have to set-up SSL certificates for my website to make it secure, so that it could also be access via https protocol. SSL is a way to secure internet communication from your browser to a secure website. The websites using SSL will have https:// to their name. Following are the steps to set-up SSL certificate on...
In one of my project, My front end application runs on one server and back end application runs on another. Both application have to communicate with each other through SSL(Secure Sockets Layer). SSL is a way to secure internet communication from your browser to a secure website. The websites using SSL will have https:// to their name. ...
There’s a feature that adds spice to Groovy—it’s called Curried Closures. The term curry is taken from Haskell Curry, the mathematician who developed the concept of partial functions. Currying refers to taking multiple arguments into a function that takes many arguments, resulting in a new function that takes the remaining...
Sometimes we need to retrieve the result on the basis of some regular expression pattern which could be applied to a column. In such situations its better to use a rlike method provided by Grails CreateCriteria. Using rlike method it's easy to retrieve Result based upon the Required Pattern. rlike Method is Similar to like, but uses a...
While implementing Security in my Sample Application I have read various types of Injection attacks that an application may suffer. Reference: Grails In Action 1. SQL Injection Attack: def username="gautam" Post.findAll(" from Post as post WHERE post.user.username='${username}' ") This Query uses a local username property to...