Divyanshu Kumar

Android | Flutter | Java | Kotlin | Dart


Understanding Flutter Isolates – A Guide to Concurrency and Parallelism in Flutter

Introduction In modern mobile application development, performance is crucial. Flutter, Google's UI toolkit for building natively compiled applications, provides a way to create highly performant apps. One of the core aspects of performance in any app is handling concurrency and parallelism. This is where Flutter Isolates come in. In...



Getting started with Flutter GetX – State Management

Introduction When starting a new Flutter application, choosing the right state management approach is crucial. This blog aims to simplify that decision for you. In this tutorial on Flutter state management with GetX, I will introduce you to GetX, a robust Flutter framework. GetX State management facilitates data transfer within an...


Android, Testing

Testing and code coverage in android

Android unit testing is an essential part of the software development process for Android applications. It is a way of verifying that individual units or components of the code are working as expected, in isolation from other parts of the application. In this blog, we will explore the basics of Android unit testing, including its...
