Ashav Kumar

Ashav Kumar is a Software Engineer at To The New with over 5 years of experience in Software Development. He works in the Upsnap Project within the Americas BU of To The New. He has experience in Software Development across multiple tools and technologies. He has worked in multiple domains.


Solid Principle

Introduction The SOLID principles were developed by Robert C. Martin in a 2000 essay, “Design Principles and Design Patterns,” although the acronym was coined later by Michael Feathers. In his essay, Martin acknowledged that successful software will change and develop. As it changes, it becomes increasingly complex. Without good...



Redis : A Comprehensive Guide

What is Redis? Redis, short for Remote Dictionary Server, stands as a robust open-source in-memory data structure store. Essentially, it's a NoSQL database designed to serve as a highly performant and versatile key-value store. Redis has earned its reputation for its fast speed and efficiency, primarily due to its in-memory...
