Anshul Mittal

Front End Development, React.js

Using WebOtp API in Nextjs / React

In today's applications, we have observed that when logging in or performing sensitive tasks online, we receive One time passwords on our registered phone numbers to secure this activity. But as a user, it is a bit vexing to remember that code and then type that into the required fields. At the same time, we may be able to auto-detect...


React.js, Software development

Creating a simple dynamic form using data from strapi-cms

In my previous blog, I showed how we could create a collection in strapi that could further be used as input data to a dynamic form component to render a form as per users requirements. Create a React Project  Create a project using create react app. Refer in case of any...


Software development, Technology

Using strapi-cms to create a collection for form data

Today I am going to write about how we can use Strapi cms to create a collection that can be later used to create forms. In my project, a similar approach has been used to create forms, It helps reduce code and makes an easy-to-use common component. Strapi is an open-source, Node. js-based, Headless CMS that saves developers a lot of...
