

Magento Sending Custom Email

By default magento sends emails on its certain events like customer registration, order creation etc. Also you can customize or change these email templates from admin > System > Transaction Email. What if you want add your own custom email template or if you want to add email feature in your custom module. This blog helps you in...

by amatya


Enabling SSL for particular page in magento

To enable SSL for particular page in magento first open .htaccess file of your magento and include following code in it. [php] RewriteEngine On RewriteCond %{SERVER_PORT} 80 RewriteRule ^your-page-url/?$ https://%{HTTP_HOST}/your-page-url [R,L] [/php] Now flush the cache and check. Regards, Amatya Trivedi ...

by amatya


How to add dropdown attribute for category in magento

Adding attributes from admin is simple in magento. But this feature is only for products. Some times there is requirement to add custom attribute for category to customize magento. Following is the code to add dropdown attribute for category. [php] <?php $setup = new Mage_Eav_Model_Entity_Setup('core_setup'); ...

by amatya


Displaying Review Block (with ratings) On Product Page In Magento

One of the most common customization in magento is to display reviews and ratings on the product page itself. This blog will show you how to render reviews and ratings on product page. Following are steps. Open your theme's catalog.xml and include the following code inside block type="catalog/product_view" [php] <!-- For...

by amatya


How to add currency selector in header of Magento

In magento by default currency selector renders in right side bar. To show it in the header is not a hard job. This blog will let you know about moving it to header of magento. First of all setup your desired currencies for your store from magento admin. Now create a new template file and put it under following directory structure...

by amatya


Multiple db tables in single custom module in Magento

Creating a module which interact with a database table is quite simple. Most of the developers use magento module creator to create such a module. However, what if you want a module with multiple database tables. Following is the example of module with two database tables. Step 1. Create setup file of your custom module with following...

by amatya


Redirect customer after login in Magento

When customers sign in magento they will redirect to account's dashbord page by default. There is no setting in magento which will let you to set your own landing page for customer after login. If you want to achieve this feature then you need to do some custom coding . First step is, create a custom module "local/Intell/Customer"...

by amatya