Aman Kumar Mishra


Integrate Google Analytics Api to fetch Page views count

My use case was to show count of Page Views and Unique Page Views using Google analytics. Though there is already enough documentation provided with detailed explanation, it takes time to understand where to get required parameters to call those APIs, due to nested structure of Analytics account. We can refer here to get detailed idea...



Let’s listen any changes made in Collection (List, Map or Set)

Have you ever wondered how come your Collection is being updated and ended up spending time on debugging? We are going to see how can we get to know immediately if our Collection is altered. In this blog, we will do this using ObservableList for 'List' and same can be applied for Map and Set as well. Here goes code to implement this : ...



Override login and logout of Spring Security in Grails

What if our use case is to perform any custom task for login and logout while keeping the beauty of spring security intact. My use case was to make a third party SOAP API call to perform login/logout sending user's detail as parameter. Override Login Write own Authentication Provider class that extends...
