What is Google Web Optimization, How to use or apply it in your project?

12 / Aug / 2010 by Tarun Pareek

Recently as part of POC, I need to apply the Google web optimizer on various parts of the page to determine which content user clickedΒ to best and will be most effective in getting conversions. For this you need to keep track of the various conversions, but how? That’s where Google web optimizer come handy, providing reports based on experiments specified by you on various parts of the page and also suggesting action to optimize your site for better business results.

Steps to apply Google web optimization in your project:

1. Create an account in Google web optimizer and sign in.

2. Then take some time to determine which aspect or parts of the page you want to test and how.(for more valuable and better results).

3. Create an experiment in Google web optimizer:

  • 3.1 Choose algo for the experiment: Multivariate test or A/B test.
    • 3.1.1 Multivariate test allow you to apply variations on various part of the same page.
    • 3.1.2 A/B test allow you to apply conversion between two pages. (Not on various part of page).
    • **In my case I choose multivariate test.
  • 3.2 Fill in details: Give your experiment unique name, specify the tracking page public URL on which various parts optimization is to be done and also specify the conversion page public URL on which user will be directed after successful conversion.(Very useful in term of form submission).

4. Tag Pages -> Now the optimizer provides you several tags, How to apply scripts/tags on your page for that particular experiment:

  • 4.1 Control Script: Randomly control the variations on parts of the page. (Must Applied in header tag of page)
  • 4.2 Tracking Script: Track the user behavior. (Applied at bottom of the page within body tag).
  • 4.3 How to apply Variation Script : Applied just before the part of code to be tested(headline, image, promotext, button) i.e. on which variation is to be applied and at the end of that code part “noscript” tag need to be applied to specify the region for variation and unique tag names for particular variation section.
    Test Drive our product in $10
  • 4.4 Conversion Script: To be applied in body tag at bottom of conversion page you specified.

5. Validate Pages -> First apply all the tags on your page as specified above and then validate the page with optimizer validate page link, that all the script are applied correctly.

  • 5.1 If you use validate pages button then it will use the public URL you specified for tracking and conversion page.
  • 5.2 To validate the pages offline, Optimizer provides option to manually provide pages that are to be validated.

Note : All the test need to be passed to apply optimization on your page.

6. Create a Variations -> After applying tags, create variations for the various part of the page. Variation can include any type of string(it can be a HTML code, text, script etc).

Example: Within payment tag:

Original Variation: Test Drive our product in $10 (specified in your page)
Variation 1 named “Classic” :

		Test Drive our product in $50

Variation 2 named “Executive”:

		Test Drive our product in $100 with additional privileges

7. Review and Launch the Experiment, in Google web optimizer.

Example :

............body code start here............................................................................ ....................................................................................................................Secure your child future in $10 .................................................................................................................... .................................................................................................................... 

Hope this will help to improve your site business πŸ˜‰