Clustering in Node.js

25 / Feb / 2013 by Shreyance Jain 1 comments

Node.js is single threaded so it runs one process on a single CPU, as the power of Node.js is its performance and speed it doesn’t seem good to use only one CPU in a multi-core system. For utilizing all the CPUs, Node.js allows us to create a network of processes that all shares the same port.

Create a file named clusterExample.js

var cluster = require(‘cluster’); //use the cluster module
var http = require(‘http’)
var noOfCPUs = require(‘os’).cpus().length(); //count the no of CPUs available

if (cluster.isMaster) { //Check if the cluster is master or worker process
for (var i = 0; i < noOfCPUs; i++) {
cluster.fork() //creates a worker process

//give message on console when worker process starts listening
cluster.on(‘listening’, function (worker, address) {
console.log("A new worker process with #" + + " is now listening to " + ":" + address.port);

//give message on console and create a new worker porcess when a worker process dies
cluster.on(‘exit’, function (worker, code, signal) {
console.log("worker process with #" + + "died");
cluster.fork(); //create the new worker process
} else {
http.createServer(function (req, res) {
res.end("Cluster Example\n");

Now run the clusterExample.js

[js]node clusterExample.js[/js]


A new worker process with #1 is now listening to :9090
A new worker process with #2 is now listening to :9090
A new worker process with #3 is now listening to :9090
A new worker process with #4 is now listening to :9090

Shreyance Jain


comments (1 “Clustering in Node.js”)

  1. WimeFeeledo

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