Login user for Integration test when using Jsecurity plugin
Hello Friends,
I was using Jsecurity plugin in my project. There was an action in a controller which needed logged in user information and I was finding it difficult to write an integration test for the same. Then Brent Fisher shared the following code which worked nicely for both services and controllers:
import org.jsecurity.SecurityUtils import com.aps.domain.security.JsecUser import org.jsecurity.subject.Subject class MyControllerTests extends GrailsUnitTestCase { protected void setUp() { super.setUp() //following code sets admin as a logged in user def subject = [isAuthenticated: true, principal: "admin" ] as Subject SecurityUtils.metaClass.static.getSubject = {-> return subject } Subject.metaClass.getPrincipal = {-> return "admin" } ... } ... }
Using metaclass, We changed the implementation of getPrincipal() and getSubject() to work in our way. So looking at this, I could see the power of a metaclass, which can be used to change or add new method implementations to an API which is not even accessible to us.
~~Amit Jain~~
IntelliGrape Softwares